4156 Items found

Jan 06, 2014

Patterson Awarded Grant

Professor Mark Patterson, an affiliate of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the College of Science, was awarded a $291K grant by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to determine how environmental stresses affect the gastrovascular system in perforate and imperforate corals.  The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Dec 23, 2013

Analyzing Security Fraud: Target’s security breach

Last week, the retail giant Target expe­ri­enced an unprece­dented data secu­rity breach and the debit and credit card infor­ma­tion of up to 40 mil­lion accounts was stolen. The cause of the secu­rity breach, one of the largest credit card breaches in U.S. his­tory, is still under inves­ti­ga­tion. Here Engin Kirda, the Sy and Laurie Stern­berg […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 18, 2013

Vittoria awarded NSF grant

Professor Carmine Vittoria was awarded a $78K NSF Eager grant to explore Magneto-Electric Hexaferrite Thin film Devices.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 17, 2013

Ligament Nanomedicine: New ways to treat injuries like Gronk’s

New Eng­land Patriots tight end Rob Gronkowski tore both his ante­rior cru­ciate lig­a­ment and medial col­lat­eral lig­a­ments in a game two weeks ago after a defender’s jar­ring hit to his leg. The cur­rent recovery period for lig­a­ment tears is often more than a year, so the injury has ended his 2013 season and could pos­sibly affect his avail­ability […]

Chemical Engineering

Dec 16, 2013

Thank You NU Epsilon Zeta

The NU Epsilon Zeta chapter of the Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity presented a check to the Center for STEM Education to support enrichment programs for middle & high school students. The Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity was founded in 1832 at Hamilton College in Clinton, New York, by Samuel Eells (1810-1842). While founded as a literary […]

Dec 11, 2013

Kim Receives 2 Honors

Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor Yong-Bin Kim received a best paper award at the International Soc Design Conference and was appointed an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II Journal.  The International SoC Design Conference (ISOCC) aims at providing the world’s premier SoC design forum for leading researchers from academia and […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 10, 2013

The (second) life of an inventor

Con­stan­tinos Mavroidis hasn’t always been an inventor. “It was the spirit that already exists at North­eastern that got me started,” he said. When the Dis­tin­guished Pro­fessor of Mechan­ical and Indus­trial Engi­neering came to North­eastern from Rut­gers Uni­ver­sity in 2004, he had two patents issued to his name. Today he has more than three dozen that have been approved or […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Dec 04, 2013

Are plastics the new natural gas?

Yiannis Lev­endis, Dis­tin­guished Pro­fessor Mechan­ical and Indus­trial Engi­neering at North­eastern, keeps a pho­to­graph of a burning plastic foam cup tacked to the wall above his desk. Thick black smoke emanates from the recep­tacle, which, sub­se­quent pic­tures reveal, was reduced to a sooty powder by the end of the com­bus­tion process. The photo rep­re­sents a mis­sion for Lev­endis, whose […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering