4156 Items found

Jul 19, 2013

Some summertime solar fun

“The problem is that islanders on the Solomon Islands in remote vil­lages walk two to three hours to col­lect kerosene for their lamps and cooking stoves, time they could be using to grow crops or do other pro­duc­tive work.” Those are the words written at the top of a handout given to all freshman engi­neering stu­dents […]

Jul 19, 2013

A green, inexpensive solution to groundwater contamination

Trichloroethylene—a degreasing agent fre­quently used for mil­i­tary and indus­trial applications—has seeped into ground­water around the world, with serious health con­se­quences. Sci­en­tists have thus far had little suc­cess in reducing the wide­spread con­t­a­m­i­na­tion of trichloroeth­ylene through biore­me­di­a­tion, chem­ical reduc­tion, and oxi­da­tion. But now three North­eastern researchers—members of one of Northeastern’s federally-​​funded research centers—are devel­oping an elec­tro­chem­ical […]

Jul 16, 2013

Love that clean water

For most of the Charles River’s civic his­tory, bath­houses and beaches crowded its shores. Places like Mag­a­zine Beach in Cam­bridge, Mass., and the Esplanade in Boston offered recre­ation and relief for swim­mers on the hottest days of the year. But in the mid-​​1950s all of that changed. Due in part to an anti­quated runoff system […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jul 11, 2013

ISACA Scholarship Winners

M.S. Information Sciences students Lujaen Basri and Nishant Gour won first and third place, respectively, at the 2013 H. Peet Raap Memorial Scholarship for their knowledge of the practice of Information Systems Auditing and the field of Governance, Risk and Compliance. ISACA engages in the development, adoption and use of globally accepted, industry-leading knowledge and practices for information systems. […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 10, 2013

The new superstrong

In today’s market for high per­for­mance fibers, used for appli­ca­tions such as bul­let­proof vests, man­u­fac­turers have only four options: Kevlar, Spectra, Dyneema, and Zylon. Made from poly­mers such as poly­eth­ylene, these were the strongest syn­thetic fibers in the world—until recently. Mar­ilyn Minus, an assis­tant pro­fessor of engi­neering at North­eastern, has devel­oped a type of fiber […]

Jul 07, 2013

Deformation of Thin Shells

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Associate Professor Ashkan Vaziri was featured on the back cover of the Soft Matter journal for "Localization of Deformation in Thin Shells under Indentation." Soft Matter has a global circulation and interdisciplinary audience with a particular focus on the interface between physics, biology, chemical engineering, materials science and chemistry.  The journal appeals to […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 05, 2013

Clean water for a Ugandan village

Northeastern’s chapter of Engineers without Borders (EWB) traveled to Uganda in late July 2013 to begin the first phase of a long-planned project that will bring clean water to a village in Uganda.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jul 01, 2013

Challenge accepted

A record 21 North­eastern alumni, rep­re­senting 14 com­pa­nies, have been selected as final­ists in the Mass­Chal­lenge 2013 Accel­er­ator Pro­gram. Out of an appli­cant pool of more than 1,200 com­pa­nies from 40 coun­tries, 128 com­pa­nies have been chosen to join the 2013 Class of Mass­Chal­lenge Global Final­ists. North­eastern is the third most rep­re­sented uni­ver­sity in this year’s class […]

Chemical Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering