4156 Items found

Aug 01, 2013

New Faculty Spotlight: Loretta A. Fernandez

Loretta A. Fernandez joins the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the College of Science in the Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences as an assistant professor in Fall 2013. She received her B.S. in Civil Engineering from Northeastern University before pursuing S.M. and Ph.D. degrees at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Her graduate […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Aug 01, 2013

New Faculty Spotlight: David Fannon

David Fannon is an Assistant Professor with a joint appointment in the School of Architecture and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, joining the university in Fall 2013.. David is an architect and building scientist whose work integrates research, analysis, and design to develop new strategies for buildings and cities. His expertise includes design, […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Aug 01, 2013

New Faculty Spotlight: Edward Beighley

Edward Beighley joins the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in the Fall 2013 semester as an Associate Professor. He holds B.S. and M.S. degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the Pennsylvania State University and a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Maryland, where he focused on quantifying the hydrologic […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Aug 01, 2013

Harnessing Wind Energy

Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor Andrew Myers was awarded a $200K National Science Foundation grant to develop a reliability-based design for constructing advanced wind turbines. Dr. Myers is the Principal Investigator at the Northeastern University Sustainable Structures Group. His professional affiliations include the American Institute of Steel Construction and the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jul 31, 2013

The past, present, and future of nanomedicine

Each year, nearly $18 bil­lion is spent on nanomed­i­cine research. But since the field’s incep­tion more than a decade ago, little of that research, though promising, has been suc­cess­fully trans­lated into com­mer­cial products. Last weekend, more than 150 stu­dents, researchers, and industry experts from around the world con­vened to dis­cuss the chal­lenges accounting for this […]

Chemical Engineering

Jul 30, 2013

Origami unfolds a new tissue engineering strategy

Origami, the Japanese art of paper folding, has been around for more than a mil­len­nium, but asso­ciate pro­fessor of mechan­ical and indus­trial engi­neering Carol Liv­er­more is now using it to create solu­tions in an emerging mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary field in med­i­cine: tissue engineering. “There are lots of rea­sons to wish that we could make human spare parts,” said Liv­er­more, […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 26, 2013

Young scholars get a taste for science in the summer

Twenty-​​four high school stu­dents lis­tened intently as civil and envi­ron­mental engi­neering assis­tant pro­fessor Matthew Eck­elman pre­sented his research on mod­eling the energy inputs and out­puts of com­mer­cial prod­ucts and processes. At the end of the lec­ture, Eck­elman revealed a sur­prising fact. “Sev­en­teen years ago I was where you are now,” he told the stu­dents, who gath­ered in […]

Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 19, 2013

Webster Selected Fellow

Chemical Engineering Professor and Chair of Department Thomas Webster was selected as a fellow of the Biomedical Engineering Society and his Nanomedicine Lab was featured by EBERS. EBERS Medical Technology SL is devoted to the development of equipment for cell and tissue culture. Their focus is in creating new and innovative products which help  users to improve their […]

Chemical Engineering