4156 Items found

May 28, 2013

Artery Imaging Patent

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Associate Research Engineer Ahmet Coskun was awarded a patent for his “Artery Imaging System” technique, which provides an image of the luminal boundary of the coronary artery. Ahmet Coskun's research interests include biomechanics and energy. 

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

May 28, 2013

2nd Patent for DiMarzio

Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor Charles DiMarzio was awarded a patent for his method of “Acoustic Assisted Phase Conjugate Optical Tomography”. This is DiMarzio’s second patent this year. The patent he received earlier this year in April was for “Phase subtraction cell counting method”. Dr. DiMarzio the author of Optics for Engineers and currently leads OSL, the Optical Science Laboratory, […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

May 28, 2013

Preserving Frozen Specimen

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Associate Professor Jeff Ruberti was awarded a patent for his method of extracting samples from frozen specimens without having to thaw the entire specimen. Dr. Ruberti received both his BS and Ph.D. degrees in Biomedical Engineering from Tulane University in 1986 and 1998, respectively. He is also the director of EMERL, the Extracellular Matrix Engineering […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

May 23, 2013

NUASCE Student Chapter Receives Letter of Honorable Mention

The Northeastern University ASCE Student Chapter was selected to receive a Letter of Honorable Mention for its exceptional undertakings reported in the 2012 annual report.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

May 22, 2013

Drive it to break it

Recent mechan­ical engi­neering grad­uate Andy Benn isn’t used to having time on his hands. Spending an after­noon playing tennis and eating lob­ster rolls, is well, unprece­dented for the former Baja team cap­tain who said he was clocking 80 to 100 hours a week in the auto shop in the base­ment of Richards Hall before grad­u­ating ear­lier this month. In case […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

May 20, 2013

Stopping Cyber Criminals

To stop cybercrime, you need to think like a criminal. That's what Northeastern is teaching information assurance students to do. – See more at: http://www.northeastern.edu/magazine/know-thine-enemy/#sthash.KID73xMR.dpuf

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 16, 2013

How nanotechnology could keep your heart healthy

Since the heart is such a del­i­cate and crit­ical organ, clin­i­cians usu­ally opt not to inter­vene with the dead cells that remain after a heart attack or car­diac dis­ease. “But we think that all heart attacks deserve some kind of treat­ment because it puts so much stress on the rest of the heart,” said Thomas Web­ster, […]

Chemical Engineering

May 15, 2013

Matthias Ruth sounds a wake-up call for cities

Matthias Ruth, professor of public policy and civil and environmental engineering Ruth, a leader in the emerging field of ecological economics, has shown that adopting proactive “green” policies is the most cost-effective way to sustain coastal cities against the long-term impact of climate change. In a seminal study, “Climate’s Long-term Impacts on Metro Boston,” Ruth […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering