4156 Items found

Jun 05, 2013

Journey to a cleaner future

Upon arriving in Los Angeles in Sep­tember 1984 as a doc­toral stu­dent at the Cal­i­fornia Insti­tute of Tech­nology, Yiannis Lev­endis decided to take a walk. Within min­utes of begin­ning his journey, a car pulled over to ask if he was okay. Then another and another. Lev­endis was wor­ried his shirt was on back­ward. It turned […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jun 05, 2013

Harnessing Water Power

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor Alexander Gorlov's invention of the Gorlov Helical Turbine is a part of the new TidGen, a tidal powered turbine generator. TidGen, the underwater electricity generator, was featured on the cover of Popular Science.  Professor Gorlov's invention of the helical turbine won the 2001 ASME Thomas A. Edison Patent Award and was named one […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jun 04, 2013

Engineering professor earns prestigious award

Mechan­ical and indus­trial engi­neering pro­fessor Allen Soyster has received the Frank and Lil­lian Gilbreth Award, the most esteemed honor bestowed by the Insti­tute of Indus­trial Engi­neers. Founded in 1948, IIE is the world’s largest pro­fes­sional society ded­i­cated to advancing the field. The award is named in memory of one of the world’s most accom­plished husband-​​and-​​wife teams of sci­ence and […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jun 03, 2013

ITE Recognized for Outstanding Service

The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) student chapter received the Student Chapter of the Year Award, was recognized by ITE’s District 1 for their work over the past year.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jun 01, 2013

New Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Adam Ekenseair

Assistant ProfessorDr. Adam Ekenseair joined the Department of Chemical Engineering faculty in the summer of 2013. He grew up in Northwest Arkansas and received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering at the University of Arkansas in 2005. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Texas at Austin, where he was both a National Science Foundation […]

Chemical Engineering

Jun 01, 2013

New Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Eno Ebong

Assistant ProfessorDr. Eno Ebong joined the Department of Chemical Engineering in the summer of 2013 as an assistant professor. Both the university-wide support system for the faculty and students, and the innovative and collaborative spirit both on campus and with industry, are what attracted her to Northeastern. Dr. Ebong obtained her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees […]

Chemical Engineering

May 31, 2013

That’s one smart toothbrush

How do you know when it’s time to stop brushing? You don’t, according to Ameya Mehen­dale, who recently grad­u­ated from the master’s pro­gram in chem­ical engi­neering. Instead, he said, you spit out the tooth­paste at an arbi­trary point in your dental hygiene rou­tine. But with 85 per­cent of the U.S. pop­u­la­tion suf­fering from some form […]

May 28, 2013

Students Awarded Patent for Capstone Project

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Graduates Michael Witonis, Jay Seiter, Morgan Misek, Joshua Filgate, and Jesse Kuhn have been awarded a patent for their 2007 capstone project entitled "Internal Gearbox for Downhill Mountain Bikes" under the direction of Associate Professor Gregory Kowalski. The gearbox created in the project is meant to replace the current drive train of […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering