4156 Items found

Mar 28, 2013

Senior Receives High Honor

Electrical and Computer Engineering senior Fernando Quivira is a recipient of the Harold Hodgkinson Award in recognition of scholastic achievement, leadership, coop, and service in voluntary organizations and activities. This is one of the highest honors that a senior at Northeastern can receive.  Fernando discovered his passion for research as a freshman volunteering in campus laboratories. […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 26, 2013

Outstanding Student Researchers

Congratulations to the team of computer engineering BS students who won the Excellence in Innovation award at RISE 2013 for their FilterLight project: a low-cost, human-powered UV water filtration system. View video here.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 26, 2013

Co-​​op student charts new course at computer giant

As com­puting giant IBM has grown, it has expanded dra­mat­i­cally in places around the globe. But in coun­tries like the Philip­pines, the com­pany grew so quickly that some of its key cor­po­rate doc­u­ments, like charts that track the struc­ture and respon­si­bil­i­ties of each of its employees, were never updated to match the new normal. But last year that […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Mar 19, 2013

Grad Wins Peebles Award

Jiayi Shi, a MIE PhD graduate student, won the Peebles Student Award runner-up at the Adhesion Society Annual Meeting in Daytona Beach held on March 3-6, 2013. Her oral presentation of her paper entitled “Adhesion-Detachment Mechanics of Thin Shells” was awarded the prestigious award with partial travel support and a check of US$500. She has been working under the supervision of Associate Professor […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Mar 14, 2013

3Qs: The 3-​​D printing of tomorrow

Ahmed Bus­naina, the William Lin­coln Smith Pro­fessor and director of the NSF Nanoscale Sci­ence and Engi­neering Center for High-​​rate Nanoman­u­fac­turing at North­eastern, has devel­oped a method called directed assembly that he calls the 3-​​D printing of tomorrow. It is faster, cheaper, and more ver­sa­tile than tra­di­tional 3-​​D printing, and he said it could enable a […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 12, 2013

CEE Prof. Matthias Ruth Rethinks and Rebuilds

Prof. Matthias Ruth, who holds a joint appointment in the School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, has co-authored a study on the aftermath of the 2009 earthquake in L'Aquila, Italy, an earthquake that destroyed much of the city.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Mar 12, 2013

Inventing a Better Antenna

Electrical and Computer Engineering Professors Carmine Vittoria & Vincent Harris were awarded a patent for creating an “Antenna Module having Reduced Size, High Gain, and Increased Power Efficiency”.  Carmine Vittoria received his PH.D. in applied quantum physics from Yale University in 1970. He was employed at the Naval Research Laboratory as a physicist. Topics of research […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 11, 2013

Love Awarded ENGAGE E3 Grant

Associate Academic Specialist Jennifer Love was awarded a $2K Grant from NSF's ENGAGE Everyday Examples in Engineering (E3s) to increase retention by improving the classroom experience.