4156 Items found

Apr 17, 2013

Ankle rehab, re-​​engineered

Ten months ago, Paul Douçot began con­tem­plating his tran­si­tion from under­grad­uate mechan­ical engi­neering studies to a grad­uate pro­gram in phys­ical therapy. “I didn’t want to abandon my engi­neering back­ground,” he said. It turned out he wouldn’t have to. Douçot con­nected with a variety of phys­ical ther­a­pists in the field and learned that one sorely lacking piece of […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apr 16, 2013

Student engineers tackle real-​​world technical challenges

The most chal­lenging tech­nical prob­lems facing engi­neers and sci­en­tists today don’t have an easy answer. But proposing an approach is a crit­ical first step to moving toward research and devel­op­ment, according to North­eastern grad­uate stu­dent Sarah Brown. Brown is the spe­cial projects coor­di­nator in the National Pro­grams Com­mittee of the National Society of Black Engi­neers. She is also a member of Northeastern’s chapter […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apr 12, 2013

Webster is Outstanding Editor

Chemical Engineering professor and chair of department Thomas Webster was awarded the Dove Press Outstanding Editor's Award for his leadership as the founder and current editor of the International Journal of Nanomedicine. Dove Medical Press is a privately held company specializing in the publication of Open Access peer-reviewed journals across the broad spectrum of science, technology and especially […]

Chemical Engineering

Apr 12, 2013

Real World Solutions

Under the direction of Daniel Dulaski, a team of CEE capstone students have devised a method to reduce traffic congestion at a busy North Attleboro intersection.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Apr 04, 2013

FY14 TIER 1 Award Recipients

22 COE faculty and affiliates were recipients of FY14 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants for 14 different research projects.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apr 01, 2013

NUTRONS off to World Championships

The NUTRONS, NU’s FIRST Robotics team, won the 2013 Boston Regional Competition and will compete at the World Championship later this month in St. Louis. View the press release here. Since the Nutrons were founded in 1998 by freshman engineering student Joe Canavan, college students have been the driving force of the team. The Nutrons consist primarily of […]

Apr 01, 2013

New Advisor of the Year

CEE Assistant Academic Specialist Kathryn Schulte Grahame has been selected to receive the Northeastern University New Advisor of the Year Award for her work with Graduate Women in Science & Engineering (GWISE).

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Mar 29, 2013

Students found biomedical engineering group

Early in her aca­d­emic career as a mechan­ical engi­neering stu­dent, Sienna Magee was sit­ting around a camp­fire talking with another member of the Outing Club about her interest in bio­med­ical engi­neering. “I came to North­eastern in spite of the fact that there’s no major,” she said. This con­ver­sa­tion sparked a cas­cade of con­nec­tions that ulti­mately led Magee to sev­eral stu­dents across col­leges who shared her interest. […]

Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering