FY14 TIER 1 Award Recipients

22 COE faculty and affiliates were recipients of FY14 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants for 14 different research projects.

  1. Adaptive management of coastal ecosystems under climate change: A novel framework based on mathematical, computational, and network sciences
    Tarik Gouhier (Marine and Environmental Science), Auroop Ganguly (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
  2. Cyber-Physics Sensors for Affective Science Research
    Srinivas Sridhar (Physics), Lisa Barrett (Psychology)
  3. Exploring the Link between Bacterial DNA Damage Response and Biofilm Disassembly
    Yunrong Chai (Biology), Veronica Godoy-Carter (Biology), Edgar Goluch (Chemical Engineering)
  4. Investigating Trust and Nonverbal Behavior through Virtual Worlds
    Magy Seif El-Nasr (Game Design/Computer and Information Science), Derek Isaacowitz (Psychology), David DeSteno (Psychology), Matthew Gray (Theater)
  5. Plasmonic  Metamaterials: A Sustainable, Bottom-up Approach
    Ke Zhang (Chemistry and Chemical Biology), Yongmin Liu (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering/Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  6. Nanotechnology for the nervous system: Developing injectable materials for nervous system tissue engineering applications
    Thomas Webster (Chemical Engineering), Jeffrey Agar (Chemistry and Chemical Biology/Pharmaceutical Sciences)
  7. Mapping Opportunities for Coastal Urban Production of Food and Fuel: What Do We Know and Where Can We Grow?
    Matthew Eckelman (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Matthias Ruth (Public Policy/Civil and Environmental Engineering), Jane Amidon (Architecture)
  8. Nanosensors for monitoring biophysical signaling during tissue regeneration
    James Monaghan (Biology), Heather Clark (Pharmaceutical Sciences)
  9. Finding Underlying Manifolds of Large-Scale Complex Biosignal Dynamics
    Raymond Fu (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Karen Quigley (Psychology), Yizhou Sun (Computer and Information Science), Deniz Erdogmus (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Dana Brooks (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  10. Graphene Photonics for Terahertz Radiation
    Yongmin Liu (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering/Electrical and Computer Engineering), Swastik Kar (Physics)
  11. Educational Analytics: Maximizing the Value of Data-Driven Insights from Students’ Performance and Activity in Online Classes
    Alessandro Canossa (Game Design), Anders Drachen (Game Design), Magy Seif El-Nasr (Game Design/Computer and Information Science)
  12. Development of an Adaptive Clinician-Friendly Virtual Rehabilitation System and its Evaluation in Post-Operative Shoulder Therapy
    Dagmar Sternad (Biology/Electrical and Computer Engineering), Miriam Leeser (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Amee L. Seitz (Physical Therapy)
  13. Brain-Computer Interface for Signaling Changes in Psychological States
    Lisa Barrett (Psychology), Karen Quigley (Psychology), Deniz Erdogmus (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Dana Brooks (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Jennifer Dy (Electrical and Computer Engineering), Stephen Intille (Computer and Information Science/Health Sciences)
  14. Imaging the Dynamic Behavior of Lung
    Andrew Gouldstone (Mechanical and Industrial Engineering), Charles DiMarzio (Electrical and Computer Engineering)

Related Faculty: Tarik Gouhier, Auroop R. Ganguly, Srinivas Sridhar, Ke Zhang, Yongmin Liu, Matthew J. Eckelman, Yun Raymond Fu, Deniz Erdogmus, Dana Brooks, Swastik Kar, Dagmar Sternad, Miriam Leeser, Jennifer Dy, Stephen Intille, Andrew Gouldstone, Charles DiMarzio

Related Departments:Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering