4156 Items found

Dec 11, 2012

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Interested in doing research? Participating in an undergraduate research program allows students to enhance their learning experiences while still in school. In addition to the various opportunities provided by the cooperative education program, the College of Engineering offers undergraduate students many ways to explore the ideas that interest them the most.  Participating in undergraduate research […]

Dec 06, 2012

Northeastern Selected as Greenest Campus in America

Northeastern University is the greenest campus in America according to the Green Metric Ranking of World Universities, conducted by the University of Indonesia.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Dec 05, 2012

Dainty flower is relentless cancer killer in disguise

When I was in high school I read a book called Tales of a Shaman’s Appren­tice that I thought was going to define the rest of my life (I’ve always been kind of dra­matic like that). It was about dis­cov­ering the chem­ical com­pounds found in plants that cul­tures have been using for cen­turies, even mil­lennia, to treat […]

Chemical Engineering

Dec 04, 2012

CEE Department Hosts Industry Leadership Night

On November 28, 2012, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the CEE Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) hosted Industry Leadership Night.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Dec 03, 2012

A tiny electrode fuels smart bandage technology

Band-​​aid tech­nology has made incre­mental improve­ments in the years since its com­mer­cial intro­duc­tion in the late 1960s, the most impor­tant of which has been the incor­po­ra­tion of antibi­otics into the non­ad­he­sive padding. But imagine if adhe­sive ban­dages could do more than pas­sively pre­vent the growth of bac­teria — imagine if they could mon­itor a wound […]

Chemical Engineering

Dec 03, 2012

Honoring Contributions

MIE Professors James Benneyan & Vinod Sahney are 2 of the 10 people that will be honored at the 2013 Society of Health Systems conference for their significant contributions to the society and healthcare IE profession. Northeastern University’s Healthcare Systems Engineering (HSyE) program is a university-level Institute that has focused on improving healthcare efficiency, quality, […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 20, 2012

‘Popping in’ on the latest research

A young man’s hand move­ments and body tem­per­a­ture are being tracked as he ges­tic­u­lates while dis­cussing his research with another stu­dent. Else­where in the room, someone stares at a com­puter screen while wearing a cap con­nected to dozens of elec­trodes. Next to him, someone else han­dles a cup out­fitted with an internal gyroscope. This was […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 19, 2012

New Professional Masters Degree Available

The Master of Science in Sustainable Building Systems integrates elements of an architectural engineering program with construction management. The MS in Sustainable Building Systems embraces the concepts of engineering sustainability as related to energy and materials usage and the effect on the environment. Open to students with backgrounds in architecture, engineering, business, and science, as well as […]