4156 Items found

Jan 14, 2013

Engineering solutions for developing nations

Using her experiences from co-op and as president of the student chapter of EWB, recent Civil graduate Ann Polaneczky has landed a job at Partners in Health building a hospital in Haiti.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jan 10, 2013

Hazard Detecting Vehicles

The research developed by the VOTERS center (led by CEE Professor Ming Wang) for detecting road hazards was featured in Popular Science.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jan 08, 2013

Hernia repair, revolutionized

Each year, more than one mil­lion patients in the U.S. undergo hernia repair surgery, the most common form of which takes place in the abdomen. The injury presents itself as a weak­ness in the abdom­inal wall until ulti­mately the tissue gives way, leaving an open hole. In the most effec­tive form of surgery, the sur­geon lays […]

Jan 04, 2013

Ruberti Awarded Patent

MIE Associate Professor Jeff Ruberti was awarded a patent for his methods in creating “Collagen Fibrillar Construction”. Dr. Ruberti is the director of the EMERL. He has extensive industry experience having worked on helicopters at Sikorsky Aircraft, the International Space Station life support system at Hamilton Sunstrand and on polymeric systems at Cambridge Polymer Group. […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jan 04, 2013

Lombardi Named Editor in Chief

ECE Professor Fabrizio Lombardi has been named the inaugural Editor in Chief of the new open-access journal, IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing. The IEEE Computer Society is the computing professional's single, unmatched source for technology information, inspiration and collaboration. By making the most up-to-date and advanced information in the computing world easily accessible, […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jan 02, 2013

Smart pens to help control hand tremors

Approx­i­mately 12 mil­lion people in the U.S. are affected by uncon­trolled tremors as a result of neu­ro­log­ical dis­or­ders such as Parkinson’s dis­ease. From but­toning a shirt to writing a note, uncon­trol­lably shaky hands make it dif­fi­cult to com­plete some of the most basic tasks that most of us take for granted, according to fifth-​​year engi­neering […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Dec 18, 2012

Sznaier Joins the less than 1% of CSS Members with this Distinction

ECE Professor Mario Sznaier was presented with the 2012 IEEE Control Systems Society Distinguished Member Award for his scientific contributions to multi objective robust control, dynamic vision & imaging, and identification and for his outstanding service.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 11, 2012

Matthias Ruth to Serve as Founding Co-Editor-in-Chief of Urban Climate

With the support of Elsevier, one of the world's leading scientific publishing houses, CEE Professor Matthias Ruth and Alexander Baklanov, Danish Meteorological Institute, are the founding editors-in-chief of a ground-breaking new journal, Urban Climate.

Civil & Environmental Engineering