4156 Items found

May 24, 2012

Creating Sustainable Buildings

CEE Chair & Professor, Jerome Hajjar, has received a $250K NSF grant to develop a "Design for Deconstruction" method for building construction by creating sustainable steel structures.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

May 23, 2012

Induced Partial Saturation Being Field Tested

CEE Professors Mishac Yegian and Akram Alshawabkeh were featured in ASCE Civil Engineering magazine for their upcoming field tests using Induced Partial Saturation (IPS) to prevent soil liquefaction during earthquakes.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

May 22, 2012

The environmental impact of anesthetic gases

Civil & Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor Matthew Eckelman is determining what type of effect that the anesthetic gases used in the healthcare industry have on the environment.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

May 18, 2012

Yeh Receives Fellowship

ECE Associate Professor Edmund Yeh was awarded the prestigious Humboldt Research Fellowship to develop improved internet and wireless technologies. Source: News @ Northeastern For Edmund Yeh, what started a decade ago as an aca­d­emic exer­cise to bridge the dis­ci­plines of infor­ma­tion theory and net­working has become part of the frame­work for modern wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Now, […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 17, 2012

Mapping Protein Shape Shifting

ECE Professors Lee Makowski, Dana Brooks, and Assistant Professor Deniz Erdogmus have been awarded a $657K NSF grant to determine the "Precise Characterization of Conformational Ensembles". NSF is the only federal agency whose mission includes support for all fields of fundamental science and engineering, except for medical sciences. They are tasked with keeping the United States […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 15, 2012

Jaeger Wins 2 ASEE Awards

MIE Senior Academic Specialist Beverly Jaeger has won BOTH of ASEE’s Spread the Word & Campus Representative awards for recruiting the most new Professional members & maintaining the highest % of faculty membership. Campus Representatives play a crucial role in recruiting new ASEE members and in keeping current and potential members informed of ASEE activities. […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

May 15, 2012

Fighting Cyber Threats

ECE & CCS Associate Professor Engin Kirda was selected as the inaugural Sy and Laurie Sternberg Interdisciplinary Associate Professor for Information Assurance for his work in cybersecurity. Source: News @ Northeastern Our rising depen­dence on net­worked sys­tems makes it increas­ingly ben­e­fi­cial for hackers to exploit it, Engin Kirda said on Monday after­noon in a lec­ture enti­tled “Taming […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 15, 2012

Northeastern’s David Luzzi awarded prestigious Ellis Island medal

David Luzzi’s maternal grand­fa­ther emi­grated with his wid­owed mother and five younger sis­ters from Ire­land to New York in 1914, and at age 14 he worked long days. He attended high school and col­lege classes in the evening. Even­tu­ally, he became the trea­surer of the American-​​Hawaiian Steamship Company. Luzzi’s paternal grand­fa­ther, the son of Italian […]