4152 Items found

Sep 15, 2009

Congratulations to Megan Richardson

Megan Richardson, ME'10, is the recipient of a $5000 SWE National – General Electric Women's Network scholarship. She is currently on coop at California's NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Sep 14, 2009

Dialogue of Civilizations Project might lead to Bicycle Lane

After 6 students attended a month-long engineering class in the Netherlands on sustainable transportation, they have designed a method to add a bicycle promenade to the carriage path on Commonwealth Avenue. They gave a presentation to Newton residents during a recent City Hall meeting explaining their proposal.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Sep 09, 2009

Sznaier and Camps Win NSF Award

ECE Professors Mario Sznaier and Octavia Camps have won a $415K NSF grant to develop new methods to extract information very sparsely encoded in extremely high dimensional data streams, with applications to aware environments, autonomous vehicles and systems biology.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 03, 2009

New Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Bioengineering

The College of Engineering is now offering a new interdisciplinary PhD Degree program in Bioengineering. The program takes advantage of the strong multidisciplinary research taking place at the interface of biology and engineering at Northeastern.


Aug 25, 2009

CHN Receives $12M Renewal Grant

The Nanoscale Science and Engineering Research Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing (CHN) has received a $12.25 million renewal grant from the National Science Foundation to continue its industry-leading research.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Aug 24, 2009

ECE Junior wins 2-year fellowship in Information Assurance

Ryan Whelan, a junior in ECE, has been awarded a NSF Scholarship for Service Fellowship. Designed to increase and strengthen the cadre of federal information assurance professionals that protect the government's critical information infrastructure, this scholarship is administered through Northeastern's Institute for Information Assurance.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 20, 2009

Gu Wins 2 Grants to Study Wastewater Treatment Processes

April Gu, Assistant Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, has received a $297K NSF grant and a $230K grant from the Water and Environmental Research Foundation (WERF) to study the impact of wastewater derived organic nitrogen and refractory organic phosphorus.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Aug 03, 2009

Caracoglia to Study Wind Effects on Buildings

Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor, Luca Caracoglia, has received a $430K NSF CAREER grant to study how wind effects tall buildings.

Civil & Environmental Engineering