4186 Items found

Dec 07, 2009

Kaeli Selected as IEEE Fellow

Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor David Kaeli, has been selected as a Fellow of IEEE for his contributions to profile-guided optimization algorithms and dynamic branch prediction designs.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 07, 2009

Stojanovic Selected as IEEE Fellow

Milica Stojanovic, associate professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, has been selected as a Fellow of IEEE for her contributions to underwater acoustic communications.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 07, 2009

Creating a Defect/Error-Tolerant nanoDSP Architecture

ECE Professor Fabrizio Lombardi has been published in the recent issue of ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems for his research on developing a new nanosystem architecture for Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 04, 2009

Breaking New Ground in Cornea Implants

MIE Associate Professor Jeff Ruberti is using “Hybrid Tissue Engineering” to create cornea tissue from collagen that can be used for human transplants.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 20, 2009

Congratulation Dogus Meric

Dogus Meric, a Civil and Environmental Engineering PhD student, won first place in the abstract competition held at the Northeast Geotechnical Graduate Research Symposium. His research is on remediation of contaminated sediments using a reactive mat.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Nov 19, 2009

Congratulations Robert Tillman

CEE Associate Professor Robert Tillman, has been selected to receive the best CEE division speaker award for his session “Discovering Magical Partnerships within Your Campus”. He will be recognized for this achievement at the annual CIEC conference in February.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Nov 19, 2009

Answering The Challenge

The National Academy of Engineering has issued the “Grand Challenges for Engineering” which includes restoration and maintenance of urban infrastructure. CEE Professors Sara Wadia-Fascetti and Ming Wang are leading the VOTERS (Versatile Onboard Traffic mbedded Roaming Sensors) project, which will develop onboard multi-sensor technology that will detect structural flaws in roads and bridges.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Nov 16, 2009

Making The World Safer

Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Carey Rappaport is working with three of the COE Research Centers to increase the safety of this nation. He is the associate director of CenSSIS and ALERT and a lead researcher of VOTERS.

Electrical & Computer Engineering