4155 Items found

May 08, 2023

Closas receives Best Paper in Track Award at IEEE/ION PLANS 2023

ECE Associate Professor Pau Closas received the Best Paper in Track Award at the 2023 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS) for the work “Jammer Classification with Federated Learning*”, with electrical engineering students Peng Wu and Helena Calatrava, and Associate Research Scientist Tales Imbiriba. *P. Wu, H. Calatrava, T. Imbiriba, P. Closas, “Jammer Classification […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 04, 2023

2023 Engineering Departmental Co-op Awardees

The 10th Annual Departmental Co-op Awards were held on May 8, 2023, to celebrate the exemplary work of a select group of undergraduate and graduate students who have shown great promise and intellectual fortitude throughout their co-op experience.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

May 04, 2023

Ministerial Delegation from the Government of Indonesia Visits the SDS Lab at Northeastern

A high-level delegation from BAPPENAS, the Indonesian Ministry for National Development Planning, visited the Sustainability and Data Sciences Laboratory (SDS Lab) at Northeastern University on May 1, 2023 to discuss long-term collaborations.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

May 03, 2023

Teams Share Top Honors in Electrical and Computer Engineering Capstone Presentations

Two student teams tied for first place in the 2023 Electrical and Computer Engineering capstone presentations. One designed and built a modular video game controller to help increase accessibility; the other created a robotic poker-playing platform to aid in teaching and learning card games.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

May 02, 2023

From Boston to San Francisco, Student Speaker for Graduate Commencement used ‘Northeastern Experience’ to Discover a New Career

Chemical engineering alumnus Kristine Umeh, E’20, will be the student speaker at the 2023 graduate commencement ceremony.

Chemical Engineering

May 02, 2023

NUESS Teams Win DOE Solar District Cup Collegiate Design Competition

Two teams from the Northeastern University Energy Systems Society won their division competitions, with one team also winning the overall pitch at the U.S. Department of Energy Solar District Cup Collegiate Design Competition.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

May 01, 2023

Casilli to Present at International Microwave Symposium

Electrical engineering student Nicolas Casilli’s, E’21, MS’21, PhD’26, paper on “A UHF 1.3 cm 2 Passive Subharmonic Tag With a 13 m Read-Range” was accepted as one of the top-50 papers at the prestigious IEEE International Microwave Symposium IMS conference in San Diego.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 27, 2023

2023 COE Outstanding Graduate Student Awards

Awardees of the College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award and the College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Research Award were selected by faculty members of the students’ department based on the students’ exemplary record in the classroom or laboratory, the contributions made in mentoring peers, or significant accomplishments in furthering research and scholarship.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)