Spotlight Stories

423 Items found
student on summit of mountain in africa

Jan 17, 2018

East African Solar Energy Co-op in Tanzania

Written by Jordan Massa, a fourth year Computer Engineering student with a Global Social Entrepreneurship minor. About me Jordan Massa is a fourth year Computer Engineering student with a Global Social Entrepreneurship minor. On campus, she is an RA and TA for Global Social Enterprise. Before her internship in Tanzania, she spent her first co-op […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jan 12, 2018

Student Entrepreneur Finds her Identity in Uncertainty

When Abbey Titcomb, BS, Mechanical Engineering 2018, arrived at Northeastern in 2013, she was scared of nearly everything—the ocean, roller coasters, airplanes, and most of all, decision making. She was the type of high achiever who is driven by insecurity and the desire to please others. I realized I’d spent my whole life doing what […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Dec 14, 2017

Invested in Success

In early 2016, Parth Gargava (MS Information Systems ’18) was working as a software engineer at the Center for Development of Advanced Computing in his native India. A recent graduate of the Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, he was developing software for artificial intelligence projects, including a robotic wheelchair controlled by a patient simply thinking […]

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Dec 06, 2017

ECE Student Receives Schwarzman Scholarship

Student Brett Daley, BS, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2018—has been named a Schwarzman Scholar, enabling him to complete a master’s degree at Tsinghua University in China. Source: News @ Northeastern Northeastern senior Brett Daley says artificial intelligence will be the defining technology of the 21st century. Throughout his Northeastern experience, he’s conducted advanced machine learning […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Dec 05, 2017

Six ECE Students Named IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative Awardees

Six students in the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department were named IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Scholarship Plus Initiative 2017-18 awardees. This signature program of the IEEE Foundation provides $7,000 in undergraduate educational support over a 3 year period. With these six recipients, Northeastern is tied for 3rd most PES scholarship winners at […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

student in lab with safety glasses holding device

Dec 04, 2017

Perspective on Undergraduate Research from One Who Knows

Written by Emma Kaeli, chemical engineering undergraduate student. Chemical Engineering undergraduate student Emma Kaeli shares her research experiences: In my first year here at Northeastern, I made one of the best decisions I have made yet—getting involved with academic research.After trying out bioengineering and even electrical engineering projects, I found myself volunteering in Dr. Katherine […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

student in striped blue and white shirt speaking to the video camera

Nov 24, 2017

MS in Computer Systems Engineering Student Perspective

He shares his journey from India, the innovation-based culture of software engineering in the U.S., and his co-op experience which gave him a competitive advantage.

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

four girl students posing in Spain

Nov 22, 2017

Chemical Engineering Dialogue of Civilizations to Spain

Written by Sofia Catalina, BS Chemical Engineering student. This past summer I traveled to Tarragona, Spain, with Prof. Ronald Willey and 22 other students on a Chemical Engineering dialogue to study Thermodynamics and Process Safety. Going on dialogue has been one of my favorite parts of Northeastern thus far. Dialogues enable you to learn and travel […]

Chemical Engineering