Spotlight Stories

423 Items found

Nov 13, 2017

Global Experience Creates International Tournament

Ask Darryl Robinson, BS, Mechanical Engineering, 2020, why lacrosse is his favorite sport, and he’ll cite its unique blend of physicality and finesse, its reliance on teamwork over individual ability. “It’s the fastest game on two feet,” he’ll say, using one of the sport’s most popular slogans. Robinson, E’20, grew up raking, scooping, and roll […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 02, 2017

Scholarship Supports Global Co-op Opportunities

Taylor Wilde, BS Chemical Engineering 2019, was the recipient of a Fung Scholarship, which allowed him to work on co-op at a research lab at École Normale Supérieure, a university in Paris. Source: News @ Northeastern Chemical engineering major Taylor Wilde, E’19, came to Northeastern, in part, for the university’s renowned co-op program, looking to […]

Chemical Engineering

Oct 27, 2017

A New Way to Fight ‘Superbugs’

Ben Geilich, PhD, Chemical Engineering, 2016, is using nanoparticles to improve an antibiotics ability to treat infections. Northeastern doctoral graduate Ben Geilich cheerfully admits that he loves studying bacteria—tiny, resourceful creatures that can quickly grow and morph into new forms. In their deadliest form, bacteria turn into superbugs: infections that resist the world’s most potent […]

Chemical Engineering

Oct 27, 2017

A Startup That’s Making Waves

Mechanical engineering alumnus Ben Kneppers, E’07 (middle) and his friends developed the company Bureo to recycle old fishing nets into products like skateboards and sunglasses to help prevent ocean pollution. Source: Northeastern Magazine In his teens and 20s, Ben Kneppers, E’07, BS Mechanical Engineering, traveled the world searching for the perfect wave. Over the years, […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Oct 26, 2017

Women Forward in Technology Scholarships

Carolina Binns, BS’21 Comp Eng and Sara Symonds, BS’19 Comp Eng/Comp Science—Two students from Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) — Carolina Binns and Sara Symonds — have been announced as recipients of the 2017 Women Forward in Technology Scholarship. This unique scholarship program was founded by Distil Networks, Foundry Group, Techstars, Cooley, Yesware, Help Scout, […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 20, 2017

Human-Robot Friendship

Murphy Wonsick, PhD’20—Doctoral student Murphy Wonsick envisions a world where humans and robots coexist as friends. She spends her days trying to figure out how astronauts and robots can work together to complete dangerous tasks in space. In fact, she’s working on one of the world’s most advanced humanoid robots to exist—Northeastern’s NASA robot Valkyrie—under the direction of Taskin Padir, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at Northeastern.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 18, 2017

Easy ‘Friending’ Startup

Jay Shome and Andrew Smith, BS, Computer Engineering, 2018—“Friending made easy.” That’s the motto of FriendsUp, a new app enabling users to share contact information and connect via Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram in the blink of an eye. It’s the brainchild of Andrew Smith and Jay Shome, both E’18, who launched the app in July […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 18, 2017

Reengineering Scholarship Opportunities

ME alum Joseph Alim and student Tuan Ho have created the startup ScholarJet which enables high school students to participate in company-sponsored challenges such as creating 3-D models, running marathons, or developing apps to finance their college education.