Abigail Koppes and Ryan Koppes Published in the Journal of Neuroscience Research

ChE Assistant Professors Abigail Koppes and Ryan Koppes published their research in the Journal of Neuroscience titled: “The effects of low intensity focused ultrasonic stimulation on dorsal root ganglion neurons and Schwann cells in vitro.”
Satisfactory treatment of peripheral nerve injury (PNI) faces difficulties owing to the intrinsic biological barriers in larger injuries and invasive surgical interventions. Injury gaps >3 cm have low chances of full motor and sensory recovery, and the unmet need for PNI repair techniques which increase the likelihood of functional recovery while limiting invasiveness motivate this work. Building upon prior work in ultrasound stimulation (US) of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, the effects of US on DRG neuron and Schwann cell (SC) cocultures were investigated to uncover the role of SCs in mediating the neuronal response to US in vitro . Acoustic intensity‐dependent alteration in selected neuromorphometrics of DRG neurons in coculture with SCs was observed in total outgrowth, primary neurites, and length compared to previously reported DRG monoculture in a calcium‐independent manner. SC viability and proliferation were not impacted by US. Conditioned medium studies suggest secreted factors from SCs subjected to US impact DRG neuron morphology. These findings advance the current understanding of mechanisms by which these cell types respond to US, which may lead to new noninvasive US therapies for treating PNI.