MIE Students and Faculty Shine at INFORMS 2017

Northeastern University mechanical and industrial engineering (MIE) students and faculty returned from a very successful trip at the INFORMS 2017 Annual Meeting in Houston, Texas, receiving several noteworthy recognitions.

The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) is the leading international association for operations research and analytics professionals. It grants several institute-wide prizes and awards for meritorious achievement, which are generally conferred at the Annual Meeting. The awards celebrate wide-ranging categories of achievement from teaching, writing, and practice to distinguished service to the institute and the profession, and contributions to the welfare of society.

Northeastern University College of Engineering PhD students Rana Azghani, advised by Assistant Professor Jackie Griffin, and Rozhin Doroudi, advised by Professor Ozlem Ergun, were highlighted in the daily conference newsletter with a summary of their work on drug shortages. Doroudi was also the winner of the Judith Lieberman Award, which recognizes outstanding student volunteers who have been "moving spirits" in their universities, their student chapters, and the Institute. The Northeastern INFORMS Student Chapter, advised by Professor Ergun and Assistant Teaching Professor Dayna Martinez, was a Student Chapter Cum Laude winner.

Additionally, Assistant Professor Mehdi Behroozi received an honorable mention for the George B. Dantzig Dissertation Prize, which recognizes the best dissertation in any area of operations research and the management sciences that is innovative and relevant to practice. Behroozi also won the Transportation Science and Logistics Society’s Dissertation Award, which is the oldest and most prestigious honor for doctoral dissertations in the transportation science and logistics area. Further, Provost Jim Bean, also a professor in MIE and former president of INFORMS, was one of the Senior Leadership Speakers at the Leadership Workshop of INFORMS, along with the former chancellor of the University of Arkansas, John White.

Congratulations to our industrial engineering faculty and students. Learn more about INFORMS.

Related Faculty: Jacqueline Griffin, Ozlem Ergun

Related Departments:Mechanical & Industrial Engineering