Ibrahim Zeid

Professor,  Mechanical and Industrial Engineering



  • 323 SN
  • 617.373.3817

Research Focus

Mechanics; personalized medicine; simulation techniques and complex networks analysis


  • PhD, University of Akron, 1981

Honors & Awards

  • Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Research Overview

Mechanics; personalized medicine; simulation techniques and complex networks analysis

Selected Research Projects

  • ITEL: Investing in Tomorrow’s Engineering Leaders
    • – Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation
  • TRANSFORMing Liberal Arts Careers to Meet Demand for Advanced mfg Workforce
    • – Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation

Department Research Areas

Selected Publications

  • Uddin, Ghulam Moeen, Joyia, Farooq Mustafa, Ghufran, Muhammad, Khan, Sarmad Ali, Raza, Mohsin Ali, Faisal, Muhammad, Arafat, Syed Muhammad, Zubair, Syed Wasim Hassan, Jawad, Muhammad, Zafar, Muhammad Qasim, Irfan, Muhammad, Waseem, Bilal, Chaudhry, Ijaz Ahmad, Zeid, Ibrahim (2021). Comparative performance analysis of cemented carbide, TiN, TiAlN, and PCD coated inserts in dry machining of Al 2024 alloy. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 112(5-6),1461-1481. 10.1007/S00170-020-06315-5
  • Arafat, Syed Muhammad, Ashraf, Waqar Muhammad, Asim, Muhammad, Jatoi, Haseeb Ullah Khan, Niazi, Sajawal Gul, Jamil, Ahsaan, Farooq, Muhammad, Ghufran, Muhammad, Jawad, Muhammad, Hayat, Nasir, Jie, Wang, Chaudhry, Ijaz Ahmad, Zeid, Ibrahim, Uddin, Ghulam Moeen, Bhutta, Muhammad Mahmood Aslam (2020). Artificial Intelligence-Based Emission Reduction Strategy for Limestone Forced Oxidation Flue Gas Desulfurization System. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 142(9). 10.1115/1.4046468
  • Uddin, Ghulam Moeen, Arafat, Syed Muhammad, Kazim, Ali Hussain, Farhan, Muhammad, Niazi, Sajawal Gul, Hayat, Nasir, Zeid, Ibrahim, Kamarthi, Sagar (2019). Artificial intelligence-based Monte-Carlo numerical simulation of aerodynamics of tire grooves using computational fluid dynamics. AI EDAM, 33(03),302-316. 10.1017/S0890060419000039
  • Davis, S. & Fard, N. (2018). Theoretical bounds and approximation of the probability mass function of future hospital bed demand. Health Care Management Science. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10729-018-9461-7
  • Fang, Y, H. Xu and N. Fard “Neural Network-WPCA Based Method for Multi-Objective Optimal Redundancy Allocation,” International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering (IJRQSE), Vol. 24, N. 5, October 2017, PP 1750024-1 to 1750004-22.
  • Liu M, N. Fard and K. Sadeghzadeh, “Large-scale spectral clustering for managing big data in healthcare operations,” International Journal of Big Data Intelligence, Vol. 4, No. 3, fall 2017 PP 195-207.
  • S. Onel, A. Zeid, S. Kamarthi, Agent-Based Simulation and Analysis of a Complex Adaptive Supply Network, International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise, 4(3), 2014, 188
  • I. Zeid, J. Chin, C. Duggan, S. Kamarthi, Engineering Based Learning: A Paradigm Shift for High School STEM Teaching, International Journal of Engineering Education, 30(4), 2014, 1-12
  • A. Zeid, S. Kamarthi, V. Sahney, Forward: Research Issues in Patient Centric Healthcare Delivery, International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise, 4(1-2), 2014, 1-2
  • G.M. Uddin, K.S. Ziemer, I. Zeid, S. Kamarthi, Monte Carlo Study of the Molecular Beam Epitaxy Process for Manufacturing Magnesium Oxide Nano Scale Films, IIE Transactions, 47, 2014, 1-16
  • S. Vadde, A. Zeid, S. Kamarthi, Optimal Pricing and Disposal Decisions for Product Recovery Facilities Under a Single Portfolio, International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise, 4(3), 2014
  • E. Tuncel, I. Zeid, S. Kamarthi, Solving Large Scale Disassembly Line Balancing Problems with Uncertainty Using Reinforcement Learning, International Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 25, 2014, 647-659


Aug 07, 2023

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU Pathways) Completes 10-Week Boston Program

MIE Professor Ibrahim Zeid and STEM Executive Director Claire Duggan led a 10-week NSF-funded REU program called “REU Pathways,” which mentors community college students in engineering research.

Ibrahim Zeid and Claire Duggan


Apr 14, 2022

Zeid and Duggan Create REU Pathway for Community College Students

Ibrahim Zeid, professor of mechanical and industrial engineering, and Claire Duggan, director of STEM programs and operations, were awarded a $400K NSF REU grant to create “Pathways for community college students to enrich their education and careers.”


Jul 01, 2020

COE Presents at the 2020 ASEE’S Virtual Conference

College of Engineering faculty, staff, and students, published and presented virtual papers at the American Society for Engineering Education – Virtual National conference.

Aug 12, 2014

Battling Unemployment

MIE professor Abe Zeid, associate professor Sagar Kamarthi, & STEM Director of Programs & Partnerships Claire Duggan were awarded a $700K NSF grant to TRANSFORM liberal arts curriculum towards manufacturing.

Jul 09, 2012

Sparking Engineering Ideas

As part of an ITEST grant, led by MIE professor Abe Zeid & associate professor Sagar Kamarthi, two videos that encourage students to pursue engineering have won a CINE Golden Eagle […]


Apr 04, 2012

FY13 TIER 1 Award Recipients

27 COE faculty and affiliates were recipients of FY13 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants for 21 different research projects.

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