First Year Engineering News

42 Items found

Dec 07, 2016

FYELC Sustainability Cornerstone Final Projects

FYELC Associate Teaching Professor Kathryn Schulte's class presented their final sustainability cornerstone projects in a museum exhibit this week.

Jul 25, 2016

Freeman to Give Keynote Speech at FYEE Conference

Teaching Professor Susan Freeman gave a Keynote Speech at the 8th Annual First Year Engineering Experience (FYEE) Conference in Columbus, OH.  

Jun 16, 2016

Sue Freeman Featured on Chronicle

Director & Teaching Professor of the First Year Engineering Program Susan Freeman was featured on Chronicle on June 17 for her work with the Citizen Schools.

May 10, 2016

Freshman Present at ASEE

Freshmen Engineering students Matthew Bonanni, Peter Groen, Brian Liang, Owen Porth, and Spencer Pozder were awarded First place in the Undergraduate Student Paper Competition at the ASEE-NE2016 conference for their innovative cornerstone project, titled, “Renewable Energy Generation from Frequent Human Activity”. The project was directed by Prof. Bala Maheswaran for the “Efficient Energy Production/Transfer system” […]

Dec 07, 2015

HS Students Judge 1st Year Engineering Projects

Associate Academic Specialist Jennifer Love invited local high school students to come and judge her first year engineering student's Alternative Energy Vehicles (AEV).

Feb 27, 2015

Bringing 3D Printing to the Classroom

Associate Academic Specialist Jennifer Love’s Alternative Energy Vehicle Kits were featured as examples of what Northeastern’s 3D Printing Studio is creating. The kits are part of her GE 1110 Engineering Design course that they work on in the First Year Engineering Learning and Innovation Center. The 3D Printing studio, which Mark Sivak directs, offers the […]

group looking at two students with red container on table working together

Nov 24, 2014

Battle Tops Competition

Many of the First Year Engineering class sections have been gearing up to compete with their 3D Printed Battle Tops. Students in Dr. Variawa, Dr. Pfluger, Dr. Goldthwaite and Dr. Whalen’s classes were involved in the competition, which took place Monday, November 24th, in a classroom in the basement of Snell Library. The students were split up into teams, […]

3D printer

Nov 20, 2014

3D Printed Battle Tops

Professor Chirag Variawa’s First Year Engineering class has been hard at work lately, preparing their final software-design project. The assignment involves creating 3D-printed spinning tops with varied designs, which will be battled against each other on Monday, November 24th. The creations include all kinds of interesting features, such as different centers of gravity or curved edges. The […]