39 Items found

May 09, 2019

Creating a Safer Way to Transmit Data

ECE Associate Professor Kaushik Chowdhury is working with Draper Laboratory and the Federal University of Paraná to create a safe, hacker-proof method to transmit sensitive data.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 09, 2019

Northeastern Opens State-of-the-Art Radio-Silent Drone Facility

Northeastern University is collaborating with Hanscom Air Force Base on a $2.8M grant on a first-of-its-kind radio-silent drone testing facilty at Innovation Campus in Burlington.

Apr 03, 2019

ECE Team Awarded DOD DURIP Grant

ECE Professor Tommaso Melodia and co-PIs Associate Professors Kaushik Chowdhury, Stefano Basagni, and Assistant Professor Jose Angel Martinez-Lorenzo were awarded a $295K grant by the Office of Naval Research for their proposal on “PROTECT: A Millimeter-wave Programmable Radio platfOrm and Tactical wirelEss Communication Testbed” as part of DOD’s Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP).

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jan 02, 2019

New Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things

ECE Professor Tommaso Melodia is the founding director of Northeastern’s new Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things, which will help build the next generation of wireless technologies.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 17, 2018

$1.5M Wireless/Machine Learning DARPA Award for Device Fingerprinting

ECE Professor Kaushik Chowdhury is leading an interdisciplinary COE team leveraging a $1.5 million DARPA grant to identify device-specific radio signals on a massive scale.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 09, 2018

NSF PAWR Project Office Awards First Round of Funding

NSF PAWR Project Office Awards First Round of Funding for Groundbreaking Community-scale Wireless Experimental Platforms Northeastern’s College of Engineering research team, led by Tommaso Melodia, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering (ECE), together with U.S. Ignite, Inc., a nonprofit organization, was selected to direct a National Science Foundation initiative: Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research. […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 08, 2017

Melodia Directs Groundbreaking NSF Wireless Communications Initiative

ECE Associate Professor Tommaso Melodia has been named the director of research of the Project Office for an NSF initiative called Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research, or PAWR, which will disburse over the next seven years nearly $100 million in investments from the NSF and more than 25 companies and industry associations to winning teams. The NSF will fund the PAWR Project Office, or PPO, with a five-year, $6.1 million award.

Electrical & Computer Engineering