Related News for Octavia Camps

ECE Professors Honored Among Leading Women in Visual Tech and AI

ECE Professor Octavia Camps and ECE Associate Professor Sarah Ostadabbas were recognized by LDV Capital as two of the 120+ Women Spearheading Advances in Visual Tech and AI, which highlights contributions of women in fields such as machine vision, pattern recognition, and generative models.

Michael Stahl

PhD Spotlight: Michael Stahl, PhD’21 – Bioengineering

Advised by Octavia Camps, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering After earning his undergraduate degree in biomedical engineering from Boston University, Michael Stahl joined Northeastern University’s College of Engineering to pursue his master’s in computer engineering with a concentration in digital signal processing. As a master’s student, he studied the effectiveness of a psychophysical procedure […]

mario Sznaier portrait

Team Led by Sznaier Awarded $7.5M by DoD for Control and Learning Enabled Verifiably Robust AI

Mario Sznaier, Dennis Picard Trustee Professor, electrical and computer engineering (ECE), is leading a multi-university team that was awarded a $7.5 million, five-year grant from the Department of Defense (DoD).

Mario Sznaier and Octavia Camps

Creating Safe Learning-Enabled Cyber-Physical Systems

ECE Professors Mario Sznaier and Octavia Camps were awarded an $880K NSF grant for “Safe Learning-Enabled Cyberphysical Systems.”

Professor Camps Awarded Best Paper from 2018 ICDSC Conference

ECE Professor Octavia Camps and her collaborators were awarded the  Best Paper Award at the 2018 International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras in Eindhoven, Netherlands. The paper, titled "Correlating Belongings with Passengers in a Simulated Airport Security Checkpoint," is co-authored by  Ashraful Islam, Yuexi Zhang, Dong Yin, Octavia Camps and Richard Radke. The research for […]

Creating Personalized Behavior Monitoring Systems

ECE Professors Octavia Camps and Mario Sznaier, in collaboration with Constantino Lagoa and David Conroy from Pennsylvania State University, were awarded a $500K NSF grant for "Data Driven Control of Switched Systems with Applications to Human Behavioral Modification". Abstract Source: NSF Dramatically increasing health care costs threaten the nation's economy. Over 80% of those costs are […]

Neural Network Modules for Computer Vision Systems

ECE Professors Octavia Camps and Mario Sznaier were awarded a $500K NSF grant for "Dynamic and Statistical Based Invariants on Manifolds for Video Analysis." Abstract Source: NSF Computer vision systems can benefit society in many ways. For example, spatially distributed vision sensors endowed with activity analysis capabilities can prevent crime, help optimize resource use in […]

Faculty and Staff Awards 2018

Congratulations to all the winners of the faculty and staff awards, and to everyone for their hard work and dedication during the 2017-2018 academic school year.

The Future of Airport Security

ALERT researchers Carey Rappaport, Jose Martinez-Lorenzo, & Octavia Camps are developing cutting-edge technology that can detect suspicious behavior at airports.

ISEC Grand Opening Marks a New Era of Discovery

The grand opening ceremony for the new Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex took place on April 3, 2017.

$2.5M NSF grant for Critical Infrastructure Resilience

ECE professors Mario Sznaier, Octavia Camps, Ali Abur, & Edmund Yeh, MIE assistant professor Jacqueline Griffin, CEE professor Jerome Hajjar, COS professor Lisa Feldman Barrett, CCIS professor Stacy Marsella, and Kostas director Peter Boynton were awarded a $2.5M NSF grant for the “Identification and Control of Uncertain, Highly Interdependent Processes Involving Humans with Applications to […]

Improving Airport Security

ALERT's Carey Rappaport, Jose Martinez Lorenzo, and Octavia Camps each explain the research they are conducting to make airport security checkpoints safer.

ECE Professor Octavia Camps' Airport Security Research Featured In NYTimes

ECE Professor Octavia Camps' work on video surveillance and airport security programs has been featured in a recent New York Times article, titled "Airport Security Advances Clash With Privacy Issues."


Home Secretary Visits ALERT

Britain’s Home Secretary Theresa May visited ALERT’s Robust Systems Lab & Advanced Imaging Technology Lab before serving as a keynote speaker on human trafficking and slavery .

Modeling Nonlinear Data

ECE Professors Octavia Camps, Mario Sznaier, & CEE Associate Professor Ferdinand Hellweger were awarded a $380K NSF grant to use OUR Charles to generate models of high volume nonlinear data steams.

A VAST solution for airport security

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a ter­rorist or a two-​​year-​​old who’s been sep­a­rated from her par­ents at the air­port: if you cause a dis­tur­bance in the flow of air­port traffic, you can also cause severe chaos and eco­nomic damage. Regard­less of your moti­va­tion, moving the wrong way through a secu­rity check­point is treated as a threat […]

Camps & Sznaier Win NSF Grant

Electrical & Computer Engineering Professors Octavia Camps and Mario Sznaier were awarded a $455K National Science Foundation grant to study "Dynamic Invariants for Video Scenes Understanding."  Octavia Camps and Mario Sznaier obtained their B.S. degrees in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering from the Universidad de la Republica in Uruguay, and their M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the […]

Sznaier and Camps Win NSF Award

ECE Professors Mario Sznaier and Octavia Camps have won a $415K NSF grant to develop new methods to extract information very sparsely encoded in extremely high dimensional data streams, with applications to aware environments, autonomous vehicles and systems biology.