Related News for Cristian Cassella

Cristian Cassella

Patent for Advanced Acoustic Metamaterials Enhancing RF Front-End Performance

ECE Associate Professor Cristian Cassella was awarded a patent for “High quality factor integrated acoustic resonant metamaterials with large frequency tuning range for reconfigurable radio-frequency front-ends.”

Cristian Cassella

Improving the Range of Radio Frequencies

ECE Associate Professor Cristian Cassella’s research on “Multipurpose Acoustic Metamaterial Anchors for Aluminum Scandium Nitride Contour Mode Resonators” was published in the Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems and will be featured on the cover when it is printed.

Revolutionizing Refrigeration With Tiny Wireless Sensors

ECE Associate Professor Cristian Cassella and Distinguished Professor Nian Sun received a $500,000 NSF grant for “Boosting the Cold Chain Efficiency Through Integrated, Magnetoelectric, Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Devices in pAssive on-Chip Tags (IMPACT).”

Announcing Summer 2024 PEAK Experiences Awardees

Several engineering and science students mentored by COE faculty are recipients of Northeastern’s Summer 2024 PEAK Experiences Awards from the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships.

Novel Approach to Wireless Ranging for UVs in GPS-Denied Environments

ECE Postdoctoral Research Associate Hussein Hussein’s research, “Passive Frequency Comb Generation at Radiofrequency for Ranging Applications,” was published in Nature Communications.

Northeastern Among Top 100 Universities for Utility Patents

Northeastern University, recognized for its excellence in innovation and entrepreneurship, has once again been named one of the top 100 universities worldwide for securing utility patents by the National Academy of Inventors.

Using Ultra-Efficient Ising Machines for Complex Problem Solving

Research on “parametric frequency divider based Ising machines” conducted by Nicolas Casilli, E’21, MS’21, PhD’26, electrical engineering, in Associate Professor Cristian Cassella’s lab, was accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters.

Cristian Cassella

Cassella Joins Fulbright Specialist Roster

ECE Associate Professor Cristian Cassella was recommended by a panel of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) and World Learning to join the prestigious Fulbright Specialist Roster for a tenure of three years.

Faculty and Staff Awards 2024

The College of Engineering recognized faculty and staff at the annual faculty and staff awards event and thanked everyone for their hard work and dedication in support of our students, college, and university during the 2023-2024 academic year. View award recipients and photo gallery.

Cristian Cassella

Improving RF Resonator Technology

ECE Associate Professor Cristian Casella and electrical engineering student Xuanyi Zhao, PhD’23 were awarded a patent for “Two dimensional rod resonator for RF filtering.”

Creating New Sensor Technology

ECE Associate Professor Cristian Casella and Professor Matteo Rinaldi were awarded a patent for “Subharmonic tags for remote continuous and threshold sensing.”

Casilli Wins Best Paper Award at IFCS-EFTF 2023

Electrical engineering student Nicolas Casilli’s, E’21, MS’21, PhD’26, was awarded the best paper award at the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and the European Frequency and Time Forum (IEEE IFCS-EFTF 2023) for his paper “An Ising Tag with a LiNbO3 Resonator for Temperature Threshold Sensing.” Casilli is advised by ECE Assistant Professor Cristian Cassella. Related […]

Casilli Nominated as Finalist in IFCS-EFTF 2023 Best Student Paper Competition

On May 17, electrical engineering student Nicolas Casilli, E’21, MS’21, PhD’26, will present his paper “An Ising Tag with a LiNbO3 Resonator for Temperature Threshold Sensing” as an invited speaker at IEEE IFCS-EFTF 2023.

Casilli to Present at International Microwave Symposium

Electrical engineering student Nicolas Casilli’s, E’21, MS’21, PhD’26, paper on “A UHF 1.3 cm 2 Passive Subharmonic Tag With a 13 m Read-Range” was accepted as one of the top-50 papers at the prestigious IEEE International Microwave Symposium IMS conference in San Diego.

ECE PhD Student Awarded National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Research Fellowship

PhD student Jack Guida, electrical engineering, advised by Assistant Professor Siddharta Ghosh, was awarded a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Research Fellowship. He is researching microscale acoustics and integrated photonics as part of the Northeastern SMART research center.

Enhancing Communication and Sensing at Terahertz Frequencies with Programmable Electromagnetic Surfaces

ECE Associate Professor Josep Jornet (PI), Assistant Professor Cristian Casella, Assistant Professor Ben Davaji, and Associate Research Scientist for the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things Vitaly Petrov were awarded a $500,000 AFOSR grant titled “Programmable Electromagnetic Surfaces Based on Ferroelectric and Antiferroelectric Hafnium Zirconium Oxide Films and Graphene for Terahertz Communications and Sensing.”

$4 Million DARPA Grant for Ultra-Small, Fast, High-Resolution Infrared Sensors

Matteo Rinaldi, professor of electrical and computer engineering (ECE), and director of the Northeastern SMART research center, is leading a $4 million DARPA grant under the DARPA Optomechanical Thermal Imaging (OpTIm) program.

Cristian Cassella

Developing Better Methods to Monitor Food Storage Temperatures

ECE Assistant Professor Cristian Cassella is developing nano and micro communication devices to monitor cold food storage temperatures.

Northeastern in Top 100 Universities with U.S. Utility Patents

For the seventh consecutive year, Northeastern University has appeared in the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) list of Top 100 Universities that were granted U.S. utility patents in 2021, cementing it as a world leader in academia and research.

Marvin Onabajo, Miriam Leeser, Cristian Cassella

Designing Self-Adaptive Next Generation RF Receivers for Heavily Crowded Electromagnetic Environments

ECE Associate Professor Marvin Onabajo, Professor Miriam Leeser, and Assistant Professor Cristian Cassella were awarded a $750K NSF grant for “Advancing Coexistence through a Cross-Layer Design Platform with an Adaptive Frequency-Selective Radio Front-End and Digital Algorithms.” The research lays the groundwork for enhanced radio frequency communication systems that make use of real-time tuning to adapt to different spectrum environments for higher interference tolerance, and to provide design techniques and tools that improve the coexistence of wireless devices.

Cristian Cassella

Using Subharmonic Tags to Sense and Navigate

ECE Assistant Professor Cristian Cassella, in collaboration with Rogers Corporation, received a grant for $148K for “Subharmonic Tags on Magneto-Dielectric Substrates.”

Xuanyi Zhao

Xuanyi Zhao Wins Best Student Paper Award at IEEE EFTF/IFCS 2022

ECE student Xuanyi Zhao, PhD’23, advised by Assistant Professor Cristian Cassella, won the best student paper award at the 2022 Joint conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum & the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IEEE EFTF/IFCS 2022) in Paris for his paper on “Improving Thermal Linearity and Quality Factor of AlScN Contour Mode […]

Matteo Rinaldi and Cristian Cassella

Piezoelectric Cross-Sectional Lame Mode Transformer

ECE Professor Matteo Rinaldi and Assistant Professor Cristian Cassella were awarded a patent for “Piezoelectric cross-sectional Lamé mode transformer.”

Cristian Cassella

Creating a Mass-Producible Ising Machine for Quantum-like Computing and Optimization at Room Temperature

ECE Assistant Professor Cristian Cassella, in collaboration with Prof. Philip Feng from the University of Florida, has been awarded a $500K NSF grant on “Massive Scale Computing and Optimization through On-chip ParameTric Ising MAchines (OPTIMA)”.

graphic of technology

Subharmonic Tag for Wireless Sensing

ECE PhD student Hussein Hussein, Professor Matteo Rinaldi, Associate Professor Marvin Onabajo, and Assistant Professor Cristian Cassella had their research on “A chip-less and battery-less subharmonic tag for wireless sensing with parametrically enhanced sensitivity and dynamic range” published in Scientific Reports from the Nature group.

Cristian Cassella

Cassella Receives NSF CAREER Award to Exchange Massive Data in Crowded in Noisy Mediums

Assistant Professor Cristian Cassella, electrical and computer engineering, received a $409K NSF CAREER award for “Giant Tunability through Piezoelectric Resonant Acoustic Metamaterials for Radio Frequency Adaptive Integrated Electronics”.

Cristian Cassella

Using Two-Dimensional Mode Resonators for High Frequency Filtering

ECE Assistant Professor Cristian Cassella as awarded a patent for “Two-dimensional mode resonators”.

Matteo Rinaldi and Cristian Cassella

Rinaldi and Cassella Awarded Patent for “Microelectromechanical Resonant Circulators”

ECE Associate Professor Matteo Rinaldi and Assistant Professor Cristian Cassella were awarded a patent for “Microelectromechanical resonant circulator”.

Cristian Cassella

Applied Physics Letters Featured Article

ECE Assistant Professor Cristian Cassella recently had his article, Aluminum Nitride Two-Dimensional-Resonant-Rods accepted in Applied Physics Letters Journal.

Portraits of Cassella, Onabajo, and Rinaldi

Cassella Receives NSF Award to Enable Longer Battery Lifetime and Next-Generation Micro- and Nano-Sensors

ECE Assistant Professor Cristian Cassella (PI), Associate Professor Marvin Onabajo, and  Associate Professor Matteo Rinaldi received a $437K NSF award from the CCSS-Comms Circuits & Sens Sys program for “Fully Integrated Parametric Filters for Extensive Phase-Noise Reduction in Low-Power RF Front-Ends and Resonant Sensing Platforms.” The research program aims to exploit, for the first time, […]

New Faculty Spotlight: Cristian Cassella

Cristian Cassella joins the Electrical & Computer Engineering department in August 2018 as an Assistant Professor.

Rinaldi & McGruer Featured on Cover of Nature Nanotechnology

ECE Associate Professor Matteo Rinaldi and Professor Nicol McGruer’s research on “Zero-power infrared digitizers based on plasmonically enhanced micromechanical photoswitches” was featured on the cover of Nature Nanotechnology.