Related News for James Benneyan
2023 Stanford University Annual Assessment of Author Citations
The following COE professors are among the top scientists worldwide selected by Stanford University representing the top 2% of the most-cited scientists with single-year impact in various disciplines. The selection is based on the top 100,000 by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above.
Faculty and Staff Awards 2023
Faculty and staff in the College of Engineering were recognized at the annual awards event in a variety of categories for their contributions during the 2022-2023 academic year.
Featured Galante Fellow: Christopher Gehrke
Christopher Gehrke is a fifth-year student at Northeastern University graduating May 2022 with a combined bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in industrial engineering. Gehrke started at Northeastern University knowing that […]
COE Professors Selected in Stanford University List of Top 2% Scientists Worldwide
The following COE professors are among the top scientists worldwide selected by Stanford University representing the top 2 percent of the most-cited scientists with single-year impact in various disciplines. The […]
Featured Galante Fellow: Heather Cheung
Heather Cheung is a fifth-year Northeastern student who has been a part of the Galante Engineering Business Program since 2019. Within Galante, she has been the information session coordinator since […]
Modeling COVID-19 Data to Help Hospitals With Projections
James Benneyan, MIE Professor and Director of Northeastern’s Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute, is working with Lahey Hospital and Medical Center to develop a modeling tool to help hospitals prepare for surges in COVID-19 cases.
Congratulations RISE:2019 Winners
Congratulations to our engineering students who won awards at the RISE:2019 Research, Innovation and Scholarship Expo!
HSyE Awarded $1.8M in AHRQ Funding to Combat Patient Misdiagnoses
James Benneyan, MIE Professor & Director of the Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute, was awarded a $1.8M R18 award from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) in collaboration with Brigham and Women’s Hospital (lead) for a Patient Safety Learning Lab (PSLL) to develop real-time predictive/detection models of patient misdiagnoses.
HSyE Receives Funding for Continued Mitigation on U.S. Opioid Epidemic
James Benneyan, MIE Professor & Director of the Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute, received a $450K NIH/NIDA award for “Model-Informed Understanding and Mitigation of the U.S. Opioid and Heroin Epidemic.”
Prof. Benneyan's Opioid Research Featured in the Boston Herald
Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research James Benneyan was featured in the Boston Herald article, “Group: Fentanyl to Fuel Opioid Deaths Five More Years.”
Using System Engineering Models to Combat Opioid Use
MIE Professor James Benneyan is creating mathematical models to optimize where to have short- and long-term treatment facilities to combat the growing opiod crisis.
Benneyan Receives NSF EAGER Grant
MIE Professor James Benneyan was awarded a $257K NSF EAGER grant for "Development and Validation of Analytic Spatial-Temporal Models to Help Study and Mitigate the National Opioid-Heroin Co-Epidemic".
Benneyan Featured in US News & World Report
MIE Professor & HSyE Executive Director James Benneyan gave a panel briefing to U.S. News and World Report about the progress and status on several National Academy of Engineering and National Academy of Medicine reports from 2000-2010 about implementing systems engineering into U.S. healthcare and was featured in the article "To Improve Hospitals, Doctors Look to Toyota".
HSyE to Collaborate on "Pursuing Excellence in Clinical Learning Environments" Award
The Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute (HSyE) will collaborate with Maine Medical Center on one of 8 “Pursuing Excellence in Clinical Learning Environments” awards from ACGME.
HSyE to Develop Better Methods to Detect Hospital Infection Outbreaks
HSyE and Duke Medical Center are partnering on a $2.5 million grant from the Agency of Healthcare Quality and Research to develop and test new statistical surveillance methods for detecting infection outbreaks in hospitals across the southeast United States.
HSyE receives 5th center with Harvard School of Public Health and Boston health systems to create $4m AHRQ Patient Safety Learning Laboratory
Northeastern University's Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute (HSyE) in partnership with the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has received its 5th federally-awarded research center in the past 5 years.
HSyE featured in the November Cover Story of PRISM magazine
MIE Professor James Benneyan and the Healthcare Systems Engineering (HSyE ) Institute were featured on the cover of ASEE's PRISM journal for "Industrial Rx for Healthcare".
HSyE to Improve Veterans Healthcare with $2M in New Grants
The Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute (HSyE) and its ongoing partnership with the VA was awarded $2M to improve access, safety, and treatment of U.S. veterans.
HSyE Awarded $1.7M and Graduates 7th Class of Students
HSyE recently graduated its 7th class of student interns and earlier this year was awarded $1.7M to implement "lean" Toyota Production System methods for the VA.
HSyE receives $300K award from William T. Grant Foundation
HSyE received a 3-year $300,000 award from the William T. Grant Foundation to identify and evaluate strategies for more effectively translating research results into practice and policy
Improving Healthcare Access
MIE Professor James Benneyan was appointed to the Institute of Medicine’s new Optimizing Scheduling in Health Care Committee which will use systems engineering to improve healthcare access and scheduling across the country.
HSyE Receives $4M Grant
The Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute, in collaboration with Brigham & Women’s, has received a $4M grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality to establish a patient safety center focused on integrating healthcare safety, information technology, systems engineering, & human factors expertise.
$3.9M Grant for Child Autism
The Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute, led by James Benneyan, is one of the recipients of a $3.9M NIMH grant for the early detection and treatment of autism.
Passion for Quality Awarded
HSyE Research Associate Salah Haridy received the 2014 American Society for Quality’s Richard A. Freund International Scholarship for continued quality control research.
Family Health Scare Leads to Healthcare Systems Engineering
Kendall Sanderson, BS, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 2013—To the industrial engineering major, one of the most fascinating problems to solve is the efficient routing of delivery trucks around the country. […]
‘All models are wrong, some are useful’
There are good models and there are bad models. For example, how many times have you purchased what amounted to be a garbage sack because it looked so much like a […]
Proven systems engineering methods can cure complex healthcare challenges
Professor James Benneyan remarked he sometimes feels like the Maytag repairman, standing by with tools that can help fix healthcare’s problems. The differences between Benneyan and “Ol’ Lonely” are that the machine […]
Northeastern hosts meeting of healthcare fellows
“Healthcare systems in the U.S. are a mess in every dimension,” said professor James Benneyan, founder and director of Northeastern’s Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute. In opening remarks at the annual Healthcare […]
Honoring Contributions
MIE Professors James Benneyan & Vinod Sahney are 2 of the 10 people that will be honored at the 2013 Society of Health Systems conference for their significant contributions to […]
Benneyan Wins 3rd Center
MIE Professor James Benneyan was awarded an $8M Health Care Innovation Award to establish a Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute at Northeastern by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Dr. […]
Benneyan Becomes IIE Fellow
MIE Professor James Benneyan was selected to become a fellow of the Institute of Industrial Engineers for his significant, nationally recognized contributions to industrial engineering. Systems world view. Productivity. Efficiency. […]
Engineering Patient Care
MIE Professor James Benneyan is working with the Boston-based Center for Integration of Medicine & Innovative Technology (CIMIT) to use system engineering methods to make healthcare safer and more efficient.
Benneyan Wins Best Paper
MIE Professor James Benneyan and Jordan Peck won the best paper award at the 2011 Technology Management and Policy Graduate Consortium for “Using Prediction to Improve Patient Flow in a Health Care Delivery Chain”.
Benneyan is Keynote Speaker
MIE Professor James Benneyan gave the keynote speaker address on the quality and safety of the US healthcare system for the American Society for Healthcare Engineer’s PDC Annual Conference.
Congratulations COE Award Winners
Congratulations to the recipients of this year's College of Engineering Faculty and Staff awards.
Receiving the Highest Honor
MIE Professor James Benneyan has been awarded the Smalley President’s Award, the highest honor from the Society for Health Systems for his lifelong service to the healthcare IE profession.
Benneyan Joins Forces
MIE Associate Professor James Benneyan, has received $232K from the National Science Foundation to join the Center for Healthcare Organization Transformation (CHOT), which is currently hosted by Texas A&M and Georgia Tech.
NEHCEP is Newest Engineering Center
The New England Healthcare Engineering Partnership (NEHCEP), led by MIE professor James Benneyan, will use engineering methods to improve the VA health care system to provide better overall care.
COE to gain new Center for Healthcare Systems Engineering
MIE Associate Professor, James C. Benneyan, will be the Executive Director of the New England Healthcare Systems Engineering Research Center. The center is funded by the US Dept of Veterans Affairs and will receive $3.4M/yr.