4155 Items found

Jan 20, 2010

Sun Receives Additional Funding

Nian Sun, an ECE Associate Professor, received an additional $76K towards his NSF CAREER award that investigates novel spin-spray synthesis methods for magnoelectronic films at low temperature.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jan 13, 2010

Gu & Wan Receive $150K DOE Grant

CEE assistant professor April Gu and MIE associate professor Kai-tak Wan, have received a grant from DOE to explore how nano-scale cell surface characteristics dictate the microbial transport and migration behavior in contaminant remediation.

Civil & Environmental Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jan 01, 2010

Engineers Without Borders Honors Northeastern Chapter

Engineers Without Borders (EWB-USA) selected the Northeastern University chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB-NEU) as a premiere chapter.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Dec 23, 2009

Gu Awarded NSF CAREER Grant

April Gu, Assistant Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, has received a $430K NSF CAREER grant to determine the levels of contaminants and toxicity in water supplies using prokaryotic real-time gene expression profiling.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Dec 21, 2009

Precision in Surgery

MIE Associate Professor Nader Jalili is devising a method to use nanorobots in non-invasive cancer surgery that is far more precise and safer than methods that are now available.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Dec 21, 2009

Busnaina Receives $1.6M from Department of Defense

MIE Professor Ahmed Busnaina’s team was one of 34 Massachusetts groups selected to receive funding from the Department of Defense. Their research is focused on developing carbon nanotube enhanced power sources that are better than current battery technology.

Chemical Engineering

Dec 18, 2009

Training Engineering Leaders

The Gordon Engineering Leadership Program has provided ECE graduate student, Michael Maker, a valuable pathway into his research in retinal disease at IMI Intelligent Medical Implants, GmbH.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Gordon Engineering Leadership Program

Dec 18, 2009

Lending a Helping Hand

MIE students develop glove designed to provide stroke victims regain fine motor skills. The ATLAS bimanual rehabilitation glove provided a real-world solution as a senior capstone project.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering