4186 Items found

Oct 03, 2008

Congratulations Kelly Trowbridge

Kelly Trowbridge, class of 2009, has been selected as one of the recipient's of this year's AIChE Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer National Scholarship Award. Each year, Donald F. & Mildred Topp Othmer Scholarship Awards fifteen AIChE student members a scholarship of $1000. Awards are presented on the basis of academic achievement and involvement in student […]

Chemical Engineering

Sep 19, 2008

ECE Cell-Counting Collaboration Wins Paper Award

The Microscopy and Microanalysis 2008 Best Techniques Paper award was awarded to J.A. Newmark, W.C. Warger, II, C. Chang, G.E. Herrera, D.H. Brooks, C.A. DiMarzio, and C.M. Warner for their paper entitled "Determination of the Number of Cells in Preimplantation Embryos by Using Non-invasive Optical Quadrature Microscopy in Conjunction with Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy" This […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 04, 2008

$3.7M ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Award

This NSF award engages a team of interdisciplinary faculty and administrators to develop systemic approaches to increase the representation and advancement of women in academic science and engineering careers.  The National Science Foundation ADVANCE Program aims to develop systemic approaches to increase the representation and advancement of women in academic science and engineering careers, thereby […]

Aug 21, 2008

Students Chosen for New Engineering/MBA Program

The first six students have been chosen for a new engineering program starting this fall that combines business and engineering coursework, allowing students to pursue engineering management positions or business leadership roles. The Galante Engineering and MBA Program is an interdisciplinary effortthat offers each student a bachelor’s of engineering and master’s of business administration degrees in six years.“The […]

Aug 09, 2008

Dr. Beverly Jaeger – Olympic Line Judge

COE Gateway Faculty member, Dr. Beverly Jaeger, is a line judge for tennis matches at the Beijing Olympic Games. Dr. Jaeger, a senior aca­d­emic spe­cialist in the depart­ment of mechan­ical and indus­trial engi­neering, finds par­al­lels between offi­ci­ating and teaching. “Working to develop better obser­va­tional and lis­tening skills has served well in each of these roles,” she says, […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Aug 08, 2008

NU's Biotechnology Initiative and Professional Science Master's Degrees Underscored by New Federal Report

Through an innovative collaboration, chemists, physicists, pharmaceutical scientists, researchers, biologists, and engineers at Northeastern University are working to solve today’s pressing medical and biological dilemmas.  A new report from the National Research Council (NRC) suggests that policymakers, universities, and employers should work together to speed the development of professionally oriented master's degree programs in the […]

Aug 05, 2008

Green and Inexpensive SuperMagnets

The Center for Microwave Magnetic Materials and Integrated Circuits has developed a green, one-step process for creating samarium cobalt permanent magnets that could usher in a new breed of hybrid automobiles using smaller, inexpensive motors. Rare earth permanent magnets could enable smaller, higher-performance motors and power generators. The rub is that they require an expensive, […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Aug 05, 2008

Rick Scranton receives singular honor from ASCE

The American Society of Civil Engineers has established the Richard J. Scranton Outstanding Community Service Award. This national award recognizes Rick's pioneering work in promoting ASCE student chapter involvement in community service activities, including a number of projects that benefitted our surrounding communities. As an advisor for our ASCE student chapter in the 1970's and […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering