4155 Items found

Mar 14, 2023

Dahiya Publishes Book on Sensory Systems for Robotic Applications

ECE Professor Ravinder Dahiya has published a book on “Sensory Systems for Robotic Applications.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Yanzhi Wang

Mar 13, 2023

Wang Receives Additional Funding for Army Research Office Young Investigator Award

ECE Associate Professor Yanzhi Wang has received $450,000 in additional funding for his Young Investigator Award from Army Research Office.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 10, 2023

We Need People with Different Perspectives to Solve Problems

BioE Assistant Professor Mona Minkara speech at the United Nations about the need for visually impaired people in the field of science earned her a standing ovation.


Mar 09, 2023

Xie Awarded NIIMBL Grant for mRNA Vaccine Potency Assessment and Prediction

Wei Xie, assistant professor of mechanical and industrial engineering, has received an award from the National Institute for Innovation in Manufacturing Biopharmaceuticals for “Advanced FISH Assay and Mechanism Hybrid Surrogate to Improve mRNA Vaccine Potency Assessment and Prediction.”

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Michael Kane

Mar 08, 2023

Training the Coming Generation of Grid-Interactive Efficient Building Operators

CEE Assistant Professor Michael Kane received a $750,000 award from the US Department of Energy to develop a training program for vocational technology high schools and community colleges that improves entry-level building operators’ literacy in grid-interactive efficient buildings.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Mar 08, 2023

College of Engineering Students Wins Campus Statistics Canada Hackathon at Toronto Campus

Toronto Campus COE students win Statistics Canada sponsored Hackathon.

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Mar 08, 2023

Opening Doors for the DeafBlind Community

Bioengineering student Nick Scaperdas, E’24, is working with a group of students from the Sherman Center’s Generate program to develop a doorbell that can be used by DeafBlind individuals.

Bioengineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Aatmesh Shrivastava

Mar 08, 2023

Shrivastava Awarded Patent for Developing Self-powered Machine Learning Vision Architecture for Edge IoT application

ECE Assistant Professor Aatmesh Shrivastava was awarded a patent for “Self-powered analog computing architecture with energy monitoring to enable machine-learning vision at the edge.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering