4155 Items found
Nikolai Slavov

Mar 07, 2023

Workflows for Single-Cell Proteomics

Allen Distinguished Investigator and BioE Associate Professor Nikolai Slavov’s research on “Initial recommendations for performing, benchmarking and reporting single-cell proteomics experiments” was published in Nature Methods.


Ravinder Dahiya

Mar 07, 2023

Advances in Multimaterial 3D Printers

ECE Professor Ravinder Dahiya’s research on creating multimaterial 3D printers was published in the Additive Manufacturing article “Closed-loop direct ink extruder system with multi-part materials mixing.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 07, 2023

Collaborative Research in THz Communication for 6G Mobile Networks

ECE Associate Professor Josep Jornet and Principal Research Scientist Michele Polese were awarded a $456,000 NSF grant for “Enabling Mobile Terahertz Communication for 6G Cellular Networks.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 02, 2023

New Treatments for Pancreatic Cancer

Bouve/ChE University Distinguished Professor Mansoor Amiji is working with UC Davis and drug developer TargaGenix to create new treatments for pancreatic cancer.

Chemical Engineering

Mar 02, 2023

Shepherd’s Research Featured on Cover of Science Robotics

Bouve/MIE Assistant Professor Max Shepherd’s research on “Exoskeletons need to react faster than physiological responses to improve standing balance” was featured on the cover of Science Robotics.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Ravinder Dahiya

Mar 02, 2023

Innovations in Printed Electronics

ECE Professor Ravinder Dahiya, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Glasgow, published their research on advancing electronic printing in the ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces article “Printed n- and p-Channel Transistors using Silicon Nanoribbons Enduring Electrical, Thermal, and Mechanical Stress”.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 02, 2023

Designs for a Non-Invasive Brain Imaging Head Probe

BioE Associate Professor Qianqian Fang was awarded a patent for “Optically monitoring brain activities using 3D-aware head-probe.”


Mar 02, 2023

Beam Management in mmWave Networks Using Deep Waveform Learning

ECE Principal Research Scientist Michele Polese, Assistant Professor Francesco Restuccia, and Professor Tommaso Melodia were awarded a patent for “Coordination-free mmWave beam management with deep waveform learning.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering