Spotlight Stories

423 Items found

Feb 06, 2024

Making an Impact by Integrating AI Automation on Co-op

As the second co-op at Karl Storz Endovision, Inc. in Northeastern’s entire history, Rohan Ghorpade, MS’24, industrial engineering, made sure to make quite the impact. By introducing AI to the company, he revolutionized their supply chain’s automation on a global level.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Feb 02, 2024

Living Life in Co-ops: An Alumnus’ Advice

After three vastly different co-op experiences and working as chief of staff at a Series A company, alumnus Alex Bender, E’20, industrial engineering, MS’20, engineering management, has realized he wants to live his life in co-ops. The next big step? Starting his own non-profit.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Feb 01, 2024

Global Co-op Gives Bioengineering Researcher Hope for Equitable Health Care

As she begins her pursuit of a PhD, Ashka Patel, E’24, bioengineering, hopes to use what she has learned on co-op in Boston and beyond to create a more innovative and equitable health care system.


Jan 24, 2024

Understanding the Big Picture Impacts of Engineering

Across three co-ops, Thando Ray, E’24, mechanical engineering, ensured that the research and projects he worked on had an impact on global environments, including Ghana, Rwanda, Sierra Leone and Indonesia.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jan 18, 2024

Engineers Without Borders Experience Leads to Pursuit of an MS in Engineering and Public Policy

Melanie Marino, MS in Engineering and Public Policy, and PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering, was drawn to advance her education in public policy after a trip with Engineers Without Borders to Tanzania, which required working with the local government to help a village with an unreliable supply of electricity.   

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Dec 21, 2023

Moving Toward a Future in Bioengineering Research

By succeeding academically, thriving in two co-ops, participating in student groups, and working with a mentor, Hannah Kim, E’24, bioengineering, is set to pursue an advanced degree with a research focus on tissue mechanics and tissue biology.


Dec 08, 2023

Securing the Digital World

Renuka Huddar, MS’24, information systems, provided cybersecurity advancements while on co-op at the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission.

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Dec 08, 2023

Leading Amazon Project With Passion and Drive

While working on co-op as a software development engineer at Amazon, Raksha Kagadalu, MS’23, information systems, led a project to migrate the checkout process to a modern Spring Java-based framework.

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)