322 Items found

Jan 18, 2024

CEE Co-op Student Wins Fall 2023 Scholarship From DN Tanks 

Amy Xu, E’25, civil engineering and architectural studies, received the DN Tanks Fall 2023 Scholarship, which recognizes students on co-op at the company who excel in their work and make contributions at DN Tanks.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jan 11, 2024

Announcing Spring 2024 AJC Merit Research Scholars

Several engineering students and students mentored by COE faculty are recipients of the Spring 2024 AJC Merit Research Scholars, which funds a co-op in the laboratory of a Northeastern University STEM faculty member.

Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Dec 21, 2023

Moving Toward a Future in Bioengineering Research

By succeeding academically, thriving in two co-ops, participating in student groups, and working with a mentor, Hannah Kim, E’24, bioengineering, is set to pursue an advanced degree with a research focus on tissue mechanics and tissue biology.


Dec 08, 2023

Securing the Digital World

Renuka Huddar, MS’24, information systems, provided cybersecurity advancements while on co-op at the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission.

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Dec 08, 2023

Leading Amazon Project With Passion and Drive

While working on co-op as a software development engineer at Amazon, Raksha Kagadalu, MS’23, information systems, led a project to migrate the checkout process to a modern Spring Java-based framework.

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Dec 01, 2023

Cyber Physical Systems Program Rounds Out Student’s Education

After working for a start-up and receiving a patent in gesture recognition technology, Pragnya Kondrakunta, MS’23, cyber physical systems, advanced her education at Northeastern. She conducted real-world project-based coursework, selected flexible electives to map to her career goals, and gained experience on co-op as a software engineer at Lake Homes Realty.

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Dec 01, 2023

Creating Change With Environmental Engineering and Community Engagement

Ben Lanava, E’24, environmental engineering, has had a research assistant role, two co-ops, two Dialogues of Civilization, and an Engineers Without Borders trip to Uganda, leading to many award nominations such as the Rhodes Scholarship.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Dec 01, 2023

Early Start on a PhD Path in Mechanical Engineering

Abraham LeMole, E’23, PhD’28, mechanical engineering, starts on a PhD path under the guidance of Mehdi Abedi, MIE associate teaching professor. Two co-ops in the mechanical engineering industry helped LeMole decide to advance his education with a focus on research.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering