Development Team

College of Engineering alumni and friends are models of philanthropy, volunteering, and ambassadorship. You have supported undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships, and state-of-the-art educational research programs. You empower a faculty devoted to breaking new ground, and offer your services as advisors and leaders as we bridge the College with the broader community. Your support has helped COE become the institution it is today, and we are thankful for all of your efforts, commitment, and generosity.

Giving Opportunities


For many graduate students, economic considerations are the deciding factor in their choice to pursue
studies at COE. Philanthropic support of fellowships will provide these scholars with direct aid, and by
lessening or removing financial obstacles, help deliver the freedom to focus on valuable research and investigative experiences.


Donor-endowed professorships boost COE’s ability to attract and retain extraordinary researchers, teachers, and mentors who are confronting society’s most pressing challenges. These endowed funds recognize outstanding professors at all stages of their careers—and their presence, in turn, draws talented students to the college.

Donate to a Fund of Your Choice

There are many ways to give back to support the College of Engineering. Visit the Giving website to contribute to a fund or discuss opportunities for personalized giving with our Development Team.


A message of gratitude from students and faculty.

Laurie Bowater
Senior Associate Director of Gift Planning,  Development and Alumni Affairs

Campus banner with NU logo
Brian Brookey
Director of Major Gifts,  Development and Alumni Affairs

Kim Erskine
Senior Associate Director of Gift Planning,  Development and Alumni Affairs

Kyle Garvey
Kyle Garvey
Interim Director of Development,  Development and Alumni Affairs

Kit McCarthy
Director of Major Gifts,  Development and Alumni Affairs

Reesha Patel
Reesha Patel
Senior Development Associate,  Development and Alumni Affairs

Campus banner with NU logo
Rosemary Sorgi
Development Associate,  Development and Alumni Affairs

Julie Vanier
Julie Vanier
Director of Major Gifts,  Development and Alumni Affairs

Recent News of Donors and Alumni

Finding the Right Path Through Perseverance and Co-op

Through his drive and self-motivation, David Long, E’78, mechanical engineering technology, made the most out of his co-op experiences, which laid the groundwork for a 40-year career in nuclear power.

Exploring New Career Opportunities Through Co-op

Through his co-op journey, Peter Woskov, E’07, mechanical engineering technology, learned to leave the door open for new experiences, allowing him to have a successful career after graduating.

Co-ops Set Foundation for Successful Patent Attorney Career

With a desire to work independently and a lasting appreciation for chemical engineering developed through three co-ops, Robert Goldberg, E’59, built a successful career as a patent attorney representing chemical engineering companies.