Related News for Claire Duggan
Developing Professional Goals Through Co-op and Community
Franklin Ollivierre, E’26, civil engineering, has been deeply invested in the College of Engineering’s programs ever since he joined the Young Scholars’ Program as a high school student. Now in his third year and on his second co-op, he has embraced a community that he is eager to give back to.
Renaming and Dedication of the Michael B. Silevitch and Claire J. Duggan Center for STEM Education
At the renaming and dedication ceremony of the Michael B. Silevitch and Claire J. Duggan Center for STEM Education, public school community members, alumni, faculty, staff, students, and Northeastern leadership recognized the impact made on a countless number of students for more than 35 years.
Young Scholars Program for Local High School Students Finishes Strong
High school seniors engage in diverse engineering research during Northeastern’s Young Scholars Program, mentored by COE faculty and students.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU Pathways) Completes 10-Week Boston Program
MIE Professor Ibrahim Zeid and STEM Executive Director Claire Duggan led a 10-week NSF-funded REU program called “REU Pathways,” which mentors community college students in engineering research.
Discovering a Passion for Robotics Through Research
Serena Lin, computer engineering, participated in the UPLIFT (Undergraduate Program for Leaders in Future Transformation Program) where she started research in her first semester as an undergraduate. With a variety of hands-on research experiences, including an NSF REU and working at the Institute for Experiential Robotics, Lin found her passion in robotics.
Boston Public Schools Students in the Spotlight During Annual Science Fair at Northeastern University
The Center for STEM Education assisted with the coordination of the 77th Boston STEM Fair, which gives students from grades 6-12 a chance to showcase their science and engineering projects.
Engineering Summer Bridge Program Goes University Wide
The Summer Bridge program started in the College of Engineering 20 years ago with just 11 students and has grown so much over the years that Northeastern welcomed its inaugural university-wide Summer Bridge program this year.
S-POWER: A Successful Model Toward Equalizing Opportunities for Underrepresented Students
The S-POWER (Student Pathways Opening World Energy Resources) five-year NSF S-STEM grant for primarily students entering Northeastern from community colleges and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) has been very successful and is now institutionalized in the college of engineering.
Faculty and Staff Awards 2022
Congratulations to all the winners of the faculty and staff awards, and to everyone for their hard work and dedication during the 2021-2022 academic school year.
Zeid and Duggan Create REU Pathway for Community College Students
Ibrahim Zeid, professor of mechanical and industrial engineering, and Claire Duggan, director of STEM programs and operations, were awarded a $400K NSF REU grant to create “Pathways for community college students to enrich their education and careers.”
Northeastern Wins $10 Million NSF Grant to Boost People of Color and Women in Engineering Nationally
Northeastern’s College of Engineering won a prestigious NSF $10 million five-year grant, Engineering PLUS (Partnerships Launching Underrepresented Students) Alliance, to build a system and a network to increase engineering degrees among women and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and Other People of Color) nationally. Karl Reid, Northeastern University’s Chief Diversity Office, is PI, and Michael Silevitch, College of Engineering Distinguished Professor, ECE, Claire Duggan, director of STEM programs and operations, COE, and Richard Harris, assistant dean for Academic Scholarship, Mentoring, and Outreach and director of NU Program in Multicultural Engineering, COE, are co-PIs, as well as Karen Horting of the Society of Women Engineers.
Spurring Undergraduate Research with the UPLIFT Scholars Program
With a focus on experiential learning and research, the College of Engineering at Northeastern is offering a new undergraduate research program—the Undergraduate Program for Leaders In Future Transformation (UPLIFT). The […]
Faculty and Staff Awards 2020
Congratulations to all the winners of the faculty and staff awards, and to everyone for their hard work and dedication during the 2019-2020 academic school year.
COE Presents at the 2020 ASEE’S Virtual Conference
College of Engineering faculty, staff, and students, published and presented virtual papers at the American Society for Engineering Education – Virtual National conference.
STEAM Go! and the Center for STEM Education present their research at the recent ASEE New England conference
Associate Academic Specialist Jennifer Love and Center for STEM Education Director Claire Duggan recently published and presented their paper “STEAM Go! A School District’s Approach to Implementing New State Science, […]
You made WHAT last summer?
Two students from a Center for STEM Education summer program were featured in NSF’s tumblr post “You made WHAT last summer?” about their work in MIE Associate Professor Carol Livermore’s lab.
Young Scholar Program Provides Experience-Based Learning for Future Scientists and Engineers
The Center for STEM Education kicked off its 2017 Young Scholars Program on June 26, 2017, with 26 budding scientists and engineers from high schools at a variety of cities and towns in the Greater Boston area.
Faculty and Staff Awards 2017
Congratulations to all the winners of the faculty and staff awards, and to everyone for their hard work and dedication during the 2016-2017 academic school year. Faculty Fellow Edward Beighley, […]
S-POWER Program to Increase STEM and Energy fields
ECE Professor Bradley Lehman, MIE Associate Professor Marilyn Minus, Assistant Dean Richard Harris, and STEM Director Claire Duggan were awarded a 5-year $5M NSF grant to develop a "Student Pathways Opening World Energy Resources (S-POWER)" program.
REU for Data-Driven Discovery
ECE Professor David Kaeli was awarded a $360K NSF grant to develop an REU site to provide students exploring big data problems access to state-of-the-art high performance computing resources.
Duggan to join Science Educators Hall of Fame
STEM Director Claire Duggan was inducted into The Massachusetts Hall of Fame For Science Educators.
Young scholars get a taste for science in the summer
Twenty-four high school students listened intently as civil and environmental engineering assistant professor Matthew Eckelman presented his research on modeling the energy inputs and outputs of commercial products and processes. At the […]