Faculty and Staff Awards 2020

Congratulations to all the winners of the faculty and staff awards, and to everyone for their hard work and dedication during the 2019-2020 academic school year. These elite awards recognize outstanding service and contributions to our college in a variety of areas.  Listed below are the awards. Visit our 22nd Annual College of Engineering Faculty and Staff Awards page to see each of the award recipients. The Outstanding Translational Research Award was renamed this year in memory of COE Distinguished Professor Constantinos Mavroidis, who was an accomplished researcher in the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.

  • Constantinos Mavroidis Translational Research Award
  • Dean’s Award for Meritorious Service
  • Dean’s Special Service Award
  • Excellence in Mentoring Award
  • Faculty Fellows
  • Faculty Research Team Award
  • Fostering Engineering Innovation in Education Award
  • Going the Extra Mile “GEM” Staff Award
  • Martin W. Essigmann Outstanding Teaching Award
  • Outstanding Cooperative Education Coordinator Award
  • Outstanding Faculty Service Award
  • Outstanding Staff Award
  • Outstanding Staff Teamwork Award
  • Outstanding Teachers of First-Year Engineering Students
  • Rising Star Staff Award
  • Søren Buus Outstanding Research Award


Related Faculty: Michael Ahern, Gregory Anderson, Dionisio P. Bernal, John Bleakney, Heather Carpenter-Oliveira, Esther Cohen, Sally Conant, Roy Dalsheim, David Deeter, Mohammad Dehghani, Sawyer Dosier, Claire Duggan, Eno E. Ebong, Jessica Fisher, Josie Unger Flanagan, Nicolas Fuchs, Caitlin Goldblum, Terri Gu, Kristina Hals, Richard Harris, Joshua Hertz, Mary Howley, Stratis Ioannidis, Allison Jacobs, Xiaoning “Sarah” Jin, Steven Johnson, James Jones Jr, Josep Miquel Jornet, Noah Joseph, Jackie Josselyn, Alison Joyce, Georgia Looney, David Louis, Robin MacIlroy, Erin Macri, Bailey Marcus Brousseau, Candace Martel, Jose Martinez Lorenzo, Lauren McCallick Thomas, Iraz Medhi, Laura Meyer, Marilyn L. Minus, Sarah Mockler, Lorraine Mountain, Mariah Nobrega, Alison Nogueira, Gina O'Brien-McLelland, Jessica Ormsby, Taskin Padir, Courtney Pfluger, Maricla Pirozzi Quartey, Russell Rakouskas, Hamad Rehman, Krystal Ristaino, Gunar Schirner, Max Sederer, Prachi Shah, Sandra Shefelbine, Hanumant Singh, Nian X. Sun, Jacob Walker, Rachel Walsh-Peterson, Ronald J. Willey, Eve Young, Danielle McKaig, Kristina Hubbard

Related Departments:Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)