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66 Items found

Handan Liu

Teaching Professor, 
Multidisciplinary Graduate Engineering Programs

Teaching and Research Fields: Heterogeneous High-Performance Computing; General algorithms and applications of machine learning and deep learning; NLP research and development; LLM reasoning and AI agent
Shang Liu

Shang Liu

Assistant Professor, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Air pollutant origin, transport, and formation; aerosol chemistry, physics, and optics; indoor air quality
Campus banner with NU logo

Xing Liu

Postdoctoral Research Associate, 
Chemical Engineering

Yongmin Liu

jointly appointed in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering & Electrical and Computer Engineering

Nano optics, nanoscale materials and engineering, nano devices, plasmonics, metamaterials, and applied physics

Carol Livermore

Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Operations, 
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

MEMS-enabled actuator systems (assistive technologies, energy harvesting, and flow control); origami-enabled microfluidics and tissue engineering; carbon nanomaterials

Fabrizio Lombardi

ITC Endowed Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Fault-tolerant computing, VLSI CAD, testing, configurable computing, distributed systems
Campus banner with NU logo

Taryn Loomis

Postdoctoral Research Associate, 
Chemical Engineering

Georgia Looney

Associate Co-op Coordinator, 
Cooperative Education

Makenna Lorange

Data & Reporting Coordinator, 

Francisco Loth

Francis Loth

jointly appointed in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering & Bioengineering

Biological flows, experimental fluid mechanics, computational fluid mechanics, blood flow simulation, cerebrospinal fluid simulation, Chiari malformation, syringomyelia, medical image processing, magnetic resonance imaging
Campus banner with NU logo

David Louis

Senior Systems Coordinator, 
Engineering Computer Center

Jennifer Love

Associate Teaching Professor and Associate Director, 
Michael B. Silevitch and Claire J. Duggan Center for STEM Education

broadening participation in engineering education, preK-12 engineering education, STEAM, makerspace, project-based learning, teacher professional development
Mingyang Lu

Mingyang Lu

Assistant Professor, 

Computational systems biology, an integration of mathematical modeling and bioinformatics for studying gene regulatory networks, single cell genomics, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, coarse-graining, reverse engineering, machine learning, stochasticity and heterogeneity in gene expression
Andrew Lujan

Andrew Lujan

Program Operations Manager, 
Cooperative Education

Kimberly Lurie

Kimberly Lurie

Assistant Co-op Coordinator, 
Cooperative Education

Steve Lustig

Associate Professor, 
Chemical Engineering

Design and manipulation of molecular/materials chemistry and structure for new property discovery, new functionality and technology development by combining theoretical and experimental methods; high performance computing, quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics, polymer physics, materials and biomolecular engineering

David Luzzi

Senior Vice Provost for Research and Vice President, 
Innovation Campus at Burlington

Growth, reputation, and impact of the University's research portfolio including its strategic emphasis on Health, Security and Sustainability. Facilitating the success of Northeastern's faculty, staff and student researchers and scholars across ideation, articulation, execution and translation. Security, intelligence and resilience; corporate partnerships; intellectual property policy; technology readiness and transition.