Related News for Michael B. Silevitch

Renaming and Dedication of the Michael B. Silevitch and Claire J. Duggan Center for STEM Education

At the renaming and dedication ceremony of the Michael B. Silevitch and Claire J. Duggan Center for STEM Education, public school community members, alumni, faculty, staff, students, and Northeastern leadership recognized the impact made on a countless number of students for more than 35 years.

Northeastern COE Students Win 2nd Prize in DASSH Challenge 2024

A COE student team placed second in the 2024 Designing Actionable Solutions for a Secure Homeland (DASSH), a student challenge focused on solving simulated homeland security problems created by Soft Target Engineering to Neutralize the Threat Reality (SENTRY) research center and Arizona State University’s Center for Accelerating Operational Efficiency.

Improving the Safety and Efficiency of Airports

ECE Professor Michael Silevitch and Carey Rappaport have been working with the Department of Homeland Security for the last fifteen years to improve safety and efficiency at airports and other public settings.

$36M DHS Center of Excellence for SENTRY Surveillance System to Protect Public Spaces

Michael Silevitch, Robert D. Black Distinguished Professor of ECE, has been awarded $36 million over 10 years to lead a new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) multi-institutional Center of Excellence, SENTRY (Soft target Engineering to Neutralize the Threat Reality). SENTRY will develop a “Virtual Sentry” system that provides just-in-time information to key decision makers to protect civilian soft targets such as transit stations and schools, and crowded spaces such as stadiums from covert threats.

Karl Reid, Michael Silevitch, Claire Duggan, Richard Harris.

Northeastern Wins $10 Million NSF Grant to Boost People of Color and Women in Engineering Nationally

Northeastern’s College of Engineering won a prestigious NSF $10 million five-year grant, Engineering PLUS (Partnerships Launching Underrepresented Students) Alliance, to build a system and a network to increase engineering degrees among women and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and Other People of Color) nationally. Karl Reid, Northeastern University’s Chief Diversity Office, is PI, and Michael Silevitch, College of Engineering Distinguished Professor, ECE, Claire Duggan, director of STEM programs and operations, COE, and Richard Harris, assistant dean for Academic Scholarship, Mentoring, and Outreach and director of NU Program in Multicultural Engineering, COE, are co-PIs, as well as Karen Horting of the Society of Women Engineers.

student works on wireless rack in data center

Silevitch to Direct New AI Jumpstart Program

ECE Professor Michael Silevitch will lead a new Massachusetts program, AI Jumpstart, to connect small business owners in the state with academic faculty experts to learn how machine learning can grow their companies. Northeastern received a $2.2 million state grant that will be used primarily for high-speed computer equipment and also to provide for faculty consultants, both of which will be available to selected companies to get the pilot effort up and running. Northeastern kicked in an additional $2 million, raising the program’s total value to more than $4 million.

abstract image with plane, alarm, explosive

Northeastern Spearheading Advances in Travel Safety

Northeastern’s ALERT (Awareness and Localization of Explosives-Related Threats) is one of nine Department of Homeland (DHS) Security Centers of Excellence (COEs) located across the country. A multi-university center, ALERT conducts research and development for effective responses to explosives-related threats. ALERT is funded by a core grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate that equates to roughly $3.6 million a year. In addition to the Center’s ongoing core research award, DHS also provides each COE with an ability to obtain task order contracts targeted to develop specific security technologies and methods.

student speaking at conference

Emily Belk Wins DHS COE Summit Grand Challenge Competition

Computer Engineering and Computer Science BS student, Emily Belk was part of the winning team at the 2019 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Centers of Excellence (COE) Summit Grand Challenge Student Competition held on July 31st at George Mason University in Arlington, Virginia.

Next Generation Checkpoints

Transportation Security Administration Administrator David Pekoske toured the Center for Awareness and Localization of Explosives-Related Threats (ALERT) on Friday to see if the technology Northeastern is working on can be implemented at security checkpoints. The nation’s top airport security official Friday toured a Northeastern center that develops technology aimed at ensuring the safety of airline […]

Airport Security Screening Goes to School

ECE Professor Michael Silevitch was featured in the Wall Street Journal Article “Airport Security Screening Goes to School” for his research in airport security during checkpoints.

Influencing Students for Several Decades

Professors Michael Silevitch (ECE) and John Cipolla (MIE) have worked at Northeastern University training thousands of students for over four decades and have setup funds to push these students to reach their highest potentials. Source: Northeastern Magazine These senior engineering professors became friends and research collaborators soon after joining the faculty in 1971. Celebrating careers […]

Associated Press features ALERT Researcher’s work

ECE Professor & ALERT Director Michael Silevitch was quoted in a Associated Press article about URI professor Otto Gregory's work on explosive detectors.

Silevitch and Beaty Awarded $1.2M DHS Grant

ECE Prof. Michael Silevitch and ALERT’s John Beaty were awarded a $1.2M two year Task Order contract from the DHS in collaboration with Stephen P. Beaudoin of Purdue University to systematize the processes associated with sampling of trace explosives using swipes for security screening equipment.

Silevitch, Rappaport, Martinez win $1.2M DHS award

ECE Profs. Michael Silevitch, Carey Rappaport, and Jose Martinez (also with MIE) and ALERT’s John Beaty were awarded $1.2M two-year Task Order DHS contract to transition research from ALERT’s Advanced Imaging Technology Laboratory into technology suitable for commercialization.

Gordon Engineering Leadership Program presented with Prestigious Award

Gordon Engineering Leadership Program Director and Professor Simon Pitts and former Director Michael Silevitch were presented with the 2015 National Academy of Engineering Bernard M Gordon Prize for Innovation in Engineering and Technology Education.

Gordon Engineering Leadership directors honored by NAE

Michael B. Silevitch and Simon Pitts have been recognized by the National Academy of Engineering for their contributions toward developing effective engineering leaders with one of the top NAE annual prizes.


ALERT Research Opportunity Comes Early

Lyda Sallaway, BS, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 2015—In the summer fol­lowing her freshman year, Sall­away got a job con­ducting exper­i­ments on backscatter X-​​ray imaging tech­nology, which is used to per­form full-​​body scans at air­ports throughout the country. She secured the posi­tion through her role in Northeastern’s Investing in Tomorrow’s Engi­neering Leaders (ITEL) pro­gram, which pro­vides […]

A VAST solution for airport security

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a ter­rorist or a two-​​year-​​old who’s been sep­a­rated from her par­ents at the air­port: if you cause a dis­tur­bance in the flow of air­port traffic, you can also cause severe chaos and eco­nomic damage. Regard­less of your moti­va­tion, moving the wrong way through a secu­rity check­point is treated as a threat […]

ALERT renewed as homeland security Center of Excellence

The Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­rity Sci­ence and Tech­nology Direc­torate has announced the renewal of Northeastern’s Aware­ness and Local­iza­tion of Explo­sives Related Threats Center as a DHS Center of Excel­lence. This dis­tinc­tion, given to just 12 research cen­ters in the nation, is accom­pa­nied by a five-​​year funding com­mit­ment, including $2.5 mil­lion in the first year. Head­quar­tered at North­eastern, ALERT is a major con­sor­tium […]

Creating Sustainable Cities

COE faculty Andrew Myers, Jerry Hajjar, Carey Rappaport, Michael Silevitch, Sara Wadia-Fascetti, and Matthias Ruth are working on improving the sustainability of the urban environment.

Prof. Michael Silevitch Discusses Homeland Security After 9/11

Professor Michael Silevitch, co-director of the Center for Awareness and Localization of Explosives Related Threats (ALERT), talks about homeland security ten years after 9/11. Topics Professor Silevitch discusses include how 9/11 changed the perception of homeland security in the U.S., how far we have come as a nation with regards to national security, and what challenges remain.

Bringing Research to Reality

ECE Professor Michael Silevitch spoke at the recent Research and Industrial Collaboration Conference about the importance of research collaboration to solve global security issues.

Solving Real Problems with Real Solutions

Professor Michael Silevitch spoke at the recent Advanced Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology workshop about the importance of working out real-world problems with the people that are striving to solve these issues.

NU inaugurates homeland security ALERT center

Northeastern launched its newly funded Center of Awareness and Localization of Explosives-Related Threats (ALERT), a Department of Homeland Security Center of Excellence. Northeastern University will inaugurate the Center for Awareness and Localization of Explosives-Related Threats (ALERT) on Thursday, October 30, 2008. ALERT, a new research Center of Excellence for Explosives Detection, Mitigation & Response, is […]

Ribbon-Cutting for ALERT

Inauguration of the DHS Research Center of Excellence for Explosives Detection, Mitigation & Response. Northeastern University will inaugurate the Center for Awareness and Localization of Explosives-Related Threats (ALERT) on Thursday, October 30, 2008. ALERT, a new research Center of Excellence for Explosives Detection, Mitigation & Response, is funded by the Department of Homeland Security.  The ceremony […]