Spotlight Stories

103 Items found
student working on computer with Amazon stick on the back of laptop

Feb 26, 2020

Co-op to Full-Time Job at Amazon

Vaishali Tripathi, a second-year MS in Information Systems student, completed a co-op at Amazon in December 2019 and was extended a full-time offer upon graduation. The co-op lasted six months and was an invaluable experience that allowed her to learn about developing a Self-Service User Interface-based operational excellence tool for process automation—from scratch! Several agreements […]

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Vatsal Prakash, ME’20, MS in engineering management, in the Level 2 Technical Support lab while on co-op at Schneider Electric in India.

Feb 26, 2020

MS Student Lands Co-op at Schneider Electric in India

Picture caption: Vatsal Prakash, ME’20, MS in engineering management, in the Level 2 Technical Support lab while on co-op at Schneider Electric in India. After coming to a new country halfway around the world for school, MS in Engineering Management student Vatsal Prakash, ME’20, went back home for a co-op opportunity at a Fortune 500 […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

two students sit on couch on co-op at Philips

Feb 26, 2020

Defining Experiences on Co-op at Philips

Picture caption: Left to right: Jie Dai, ME’19, electrical and computer engineering, and Wangbo Jia, ME’19, electrical and computer engineering. Co-op can be a defining experience for students, and for two recent alumni, their time working at Philips Research Americas’ Cambridge Innovation Labs in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was no exception. Wangbo Jia, ME’19, originally from Beijing, […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Amal Bukhari

Jan 14, 2020

From Saudi Arabia to Boston and Two Degrees in Between

Amal Bukhari traveled from Saudi Arabia to Boston to pursue an MS in Information Systems. While at Northeastern she realized her passion for learning, and the importance of furthering her education, and continued on to pursue a PhD in Interdisciplinary Engineering. The data driven work she did for her research project is the core of […]

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

student working at Toyota Research Institute manning a table at a fair

Nov 20, 2019

Thinking Out of the Box at Toyota Research Institute

When Amanda Zhu graduated from Northeastern University in May of 2018 with a Master of Science degree in Computer Engineering, she only had to wait a month before she started working at the Toyota Research Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Originating from China, Zhu graduated from the University of New Haven with a bachelor’s degree in […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

student in tall building looking out window with Boston buildings below

Nov 19, 2019

From the Classroom to the CEO’s Office

When Hardik Mody came to Northeastern University in the fall of 2018 he thought he would mostly be studying cloud domain and would hopefully finish with the ability to code in Java. Now in his second year of the Information Systems graduate program, he is working directly with the CEO of the start-up company he […]

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Northeastern student Alex Bender works on a Dell laptop in the sunlit offices of Boom Supersonic.

Oct 16, 2019

Supersonic Air Travel is on the Verge of a Comeback, and He’s in the Middle of It

Industrial engineering student Alex Bender, E’20, wanted to pursue the idea of high-speed travel, so he reached out to a company and convinced them to hire him as a co-op.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

putting liquid in testing tube working in lab

Apr 23, 2019

Flexible Programs, Hands-On Experience

After completing her bachelor’s in bioengineering in Singapore, Nikitha Jayachandran, MS in Bioengineering 2018, was unsure of her future in the field. She originally chose bioengineering because she wanted to study something related to medicine, but not surgical. Through her courses, she found that she liked the biology side of her field but wasn’t as […]
