Faculty & Staff Directory

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23 Items found
Derya Aksaray

Derya Aksaray

Assistant Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Robotics, control theory, formal methods, machine learning, and aerospace systems

Octavia Camps

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing

Jennifer Dy

COE Distinguished Professor, 
jointly appointed in Electrical and Computer Engineering & Khoury College of Computer Sciences

Machine learning; data mining; statistical pattern recognition; computer vision and image processing

Deniz Erdogmus

COE Distinguished Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Statistical signal and image analysis, machine learning, neural interfaces, biomedical data analysis, human-intent inference for CPS

Yun Raymond Fu

COE Distinguished Professor, 
jointly appointed in Electrical and Computer Engineering & Khoury College of Computer Sciences

Artificial Intelligence: Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Big Data Mining and Social Media Analytics
Mahdi Imani

Mahdi Imani

Assistant Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Machine Learning, Control/Learning Theory, Bayesian Statistics, Signal Processing
Stratis Ioannidis

Stratis Ioannidis

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Distributed systems, networking, machine learning, big data, and privacy
Kristina Johnson

Kristina Johnson

Assistant Professor, 
jointly appointed in Electrical and Computer Engineering & Communication Sciences and Disorders

Intersection of neuroscience, engineering, and autism
Hessam Mahdavifar

Hessam Mahdavifar

Associate Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Coding and information theory, wireless communications, data privacy and security, privacy-preserving computing and learning

Jose Martinez Lorenzo

jointly appointed in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering & Electrical and Computer Engineering

Devices, circuits and sensing; antenna analysis, modeling, design, and optimization; subsurface scattering analysis; computational methods of electromagnetics; novel radar system specification and design; explosives detection

Waleed Meleis

Vice Provost for Graduate Education, 
Office of the Provost

Combinatorial optimization, function approximation for large-scale machine learning, platforms for large-scale social experimentation, assistive technology

Sarah Ostadabbas

Associate Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Augmented Cognition with Medical Applications; Augmented/Virtual Reality
David Rosen

David M. Rosen

Assistant Professor, 
jointly appointed in Electrical and Computer Engineering & Mathematics

Robotics, computer vision, machine learning, optimization, geometry and topology, probability and statistics
Shahin Shahrampour

Shahin Shahrampour

Assistant Professor, 
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Machine learning, optimization and control, distributed and sequential learning, with a focus on developing computationally efficient methods for data analytics
Weiyan Shi

Weiyan Shi

Assistant Professor, 
jointly appointed in Electrical and Computer Engineering & Khoury College of Computer Sciences

Persuasive dialogues, dialogue systems, natural language processing, AI safety, machine learning, artificial intelligence

Milad Siami

Assistant Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Sparse Sensing and Control in Cyber-Physical Networks and Robotics; Distributed Systems Theory and Applications; Network Optimization and Control; Hard Limits and Tradeoff s in Large-Scale Dynamical Networks

Lili Su

Assistant Professor, 
Electrical & Computer Engineering

Distributed machine learning, security and fault-tolerance, neural computation, bio-inspired distributed algorithms, blockchains, autonomous cars, algorithm design

Yanzhi Wang

Associate Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Real-time and energy-efficient deep learning and artificial intelligence systems, model compression of deep neural networks (DNNs), neuromorphic computing and non-von Neumann computing paradigms

Xiaolin Xu

Assistant Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Security, Machine Learning, AI Security/Privacy, Energy-efficient Deep Learning, Computer Architecture, FPGA, Embedded Systems, VLSI
Yasin Yazicioglu

Yasin Yazicioglu

Assistant Professor, 
jointly appointed in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering & Electrical and Computer Engineering

Multi-robot systems, planning and control, distributed autonomy

Edmund Yeh

Professor and Department Chair, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Networked machine learning; networking and systems for data-intensive engineering, science, health applications; caching, edge computing; wireless network optimization; coding for low latency, network coding, polar codes; interdependent networks, cascading failure, information dissemination; network economics.
Xuan (Silvia) Zhang

Xuan (Silvia) Zhang

Associate Professor, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Artificial intelligence (AI) hardware, machine vision sensors, machine learning for electronic design automation, efficiency/security/privacy for autonomous systems, computer architecture, integrated circuits/VLSI design