Spotlight Stories

423 Items found
collage of students helping during COVID pandemic

May 28, 2020

Students & Alumni Help Create Masks for Front Line Workers

Mechanical engineering student Max Seidel, E’24, and alum Amine El Aymani, E’16, MS’19, have risen to the occasion during the COVID-19 crisis to help create masks for frontline workers.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

student with Berkeley sweatshirt standing in front of Energy and Resources group sign on door

May 28, 2020

Industrial Engineering Grad Balances STEM with Pro Cheerleading

Main Photo: Nia Jones, E’20, industrial engineering, part of the first cohort of S-POWER Scholars, achieved the Huntington 100 and will be going to graduate school at the University of California- Berkeley and conducting research as part of the Energy Resources Group. Whoever said, “You can’t do it all,” never met recent Industrial Engineering graduate […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

working producing face shield

Apr 10, 2020

Providing Face Masks to Front Line COVID-19 Workers

Mechanical Engineering alumni Mostafa Lotfi and his two cousins who co-founded Lacerta Group Inc., have converted the focus of their company that normally manufactures plastic packaging into making face masks to help the front line workers of COVID-19.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Benjamin Gincley with Dr. Cochrane

Apr 07, 2020

Benjamin Gincley Awarded 2020 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Interdisciplinary Engineering PhD student Benjamin Gincley received a prestigious and highly competitive 2020 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship (GRFP).

Bioengineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering

inventor showing one of his patents in action

Mar 24, 2020

Medical Inventor with a Sense of Purpose

MIE Alum Bob Rioux, E’85, has used his mechanical engineering knowledge to develop 110 patents for medical devices to help solve difficult medical problems.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

student in the Peace Corps in Senegal

Mar 23, 2020

Working with the Peace Corps to Develop Sustainable Practices in Senegal

After he graduated, MIE Alum Tavish Fenbert, E’18, joined the Peace Corps to help people in Senegal as an agroforestry volunteer.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

student working on computer with Amazon stick on the back of laptop

Feb 26, 2020

Co-op to Full-Time Job at Amazon

Vaishali Tripathi, a second-year MS in Information Systems student, completed a co-op at Amazon in December 2019 and was extended a full-time offer upon graduation. The co-op lasted six months and was an invaluable experience that allowed her to learn about developing a Self-Service User Interface-based operational excellence tool for process automation—from scratch! Several agreements […]

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Vatsal Prakash, ME’20, MS in engineering management, in the Level 2 Technical Support lab while on co-op at Schneider Electric in India.

Feb 26, 2020

MS Student Lands Co-op at Schneider Electric in India

Picture caption: Vatsal Prakash, ME’20, MS in engineering management, in the Level 2 Technical Support lab while on co-op at Schneider Electric in India. After coming to a new country halfway around the world for school, MS in Engineering Management student Vatsal Prakash, ME’20, went back home for a co-op opportunity at a Fortune 500 […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering