COE Faculty and Staff Awards

Please click on the award title (in red) to see the nomination process and requirements as well as a list of past recipients.

COE Partner in Excellence Award
The COE Partner in Excellence Award acknowledges a faculty or staff member working outside of the College of Engineering who has provided instrumental support in one or more of the College’s endeavors. The award will honor a member of the Northeastern community who has demonstrated exceptional service beyond their own college or institute.

Constantinos Mavroidis Translational Research Award
This Award recognizes and rewards outstanding College of Engineering researchers for accomplishments in applying research innovations to advance technology development. These research awards are established to confer honor upon individuals, who, by their contributions to their applied research, have brought recognition to themselves, the College and Northeastern University as an exemplar of our focus on experiential engineering education.

Distinguished Faculty Award
This Award is an honor bestowed by the College of Engineering on those members of the Faculty who have demonstrated exceptional distinction throughout their Northeastern University careers. Such distinction may be achieved through preeminent scholarly accomplishment, leadership in the College and University and exceptional contributions to the scholarly, educational and intellectual life of the College. The designation is an honorific title intended to show the high esteem in which the College holds the recipients and to bring honor and recognition to the accomplished faculty members who demonstrate exceptional qualities of mind, character and intellect. Up to five years after the initial appointment, each COE Distinguished Faculty will receive an annual account of up to $10,000. The account may be used to support the awardees’ professional activities at the Faculty member’s discretion.

Diversity Recognition Award
The Diversity Recognition Award recognizes an individual or team in the College of Engineering who are faculty and/or staff (with students as collaborators). The Diversity Recognition Award is established to recognize extraordinary accomplishments in achieving the College goals of fostering a multicultural community that values, celebrates and operationalizes diversity, equity and inclusion within the College and beyond our campus.

Excellence in Mentoring Award
This award is established to confer honor upon individuals whose inspiration and contributions to faculty, staff, or student development are truly significant. This award is also established to honor any individual who has mentored students or colleagues or has advised student clubs/organizations.

Faculty Research Team Award
The Award recognizes a team of College of Engineering faculty for their recent extraordinary efforts to collaborate on highly impactful and innovative team research that strongly support our College’s research mission. Emphasis will be given to a newly developed research initiative, while the sustaining and/or enhancement of an existing, strong research collaboration will be considered as well. The COE team of nominees will have demonstrated the interactions among a group of faculty, which may include other researchers across the University and/or with other institutions to develop or sustain a significant research initiative that contributes to establishing the College as a prestigious research enterprise.
This award is established to confer honor upon individuals with truly significant inspiration, dedication, and contributions to their establishment of a research initiative that enhances the reputation of the College in a timely or cutting edge research area.

Fostering Engineering Innovation in Education Award
The Award recognizes outstanding College of Engineering educators for their extraordinary efforts during the past year to enhance our students’ knowledge, skills and ability to innovate as 21st century engineers. Specifically, nominees will have demonstrated fostering of technological innovation or innovative engineering design, with sustainable value for society, in undergraduate engineering courses that bridge between first year cornerstone and capstone experiences, or in graduate courses.

Going the Extra Mile “GEM” Staff Award
The Award recognizes and rewards outstanding service by administrative, support, and technical staff employees in the College of Engineering.

Impact Award
The Impact Award recognizes an individual or team of College of Engineering faculty and/or staff (students or individuals not affiliated with COE may also be recognized as collaborators).  The Impact Award is established to confer honor on recent efforts to address a real-world problem with a specific solution, the results of which have shown dramatic measurable impact on the discipline, the college, or society.

Martin W. Essigmann Outstanding Teaching Award
The Award recognizes and rewards outstanding College of Engineering educators for excellence in teaching and for contributions to the art of teaching. This teaching award is established to confer honor upon individuals whose inspiration and contributions to student learning are truly significant.

Outstanding Cooperative Education Coordinator Award
The Award recognizes and rewards an outstanding College of Engineering Cooperative Education Coordinator for excellence in preparing students for successful cooperative education experiences, developing and maintaining a rich and robust set of opportunities, and providing the support necessary for students to progressively develop education and career skills through their cooperative education experiences. This award is established to honor an individual whose inspiration and contribution to student experiential learning are truly significant.

Outstanding Faculty Service Award
The Award recognizes and rewards College of Engineering faculty for contributions to the institution through exemplary and sustained leadership in service activities at Northeastern University. This service award is established to confer honor upon individuals, who, by their service through administrative leadership responsibilities, committee work, editorial boards, conference organization, or other activities, have positively impacted Northeastern’s academic enterprise and/or community. The awardees illustrate the important role that strong service contributions play in the life of our College and University, and in professional fields.

Outstanding Staff Award
The Award recognizes and rewards outstanding service by administrative, support, and technical staff employees in the College of Engineering.

Outstanding Staff Teamwork Award
The Award recognizes College of Engineering groups or teams of staff (in a unit or across units) who have collaborated and worked together on a major project or significant task in outstanding, innovative and/or unexpected ways that advances departmental goals and/or the College mission. The team successfully fostered cooperation, collaboration and open communication among students, staff, and faculty in all stages of the project/task, its members provided encouragement and support, and helped others overcome obstacles.

Rising Star Award
The Award recognizes and rewards outstanding service by administrative, support, and technical staff employees in the College of Engineering.

Søren Buus Outstanding Research Award
The Award recognizes and rewards outstanding College of Engineering researchers for accomplishments in advancing the frontiers of knowledge. These research awards are established to confer honor upon individuals, who, by their contributions to their research discipline, have brought recognition to themselves, the College and Northeastern University. The awardees illustrate the important role that research plays in a comprehensive program of engineering education.

Dean’s Award for Meritorious Service
The Dean’s Award for Meritorious Service was established to recognize exceptional contributions to the College of Engineering and is selected by the Dean.

Outstanding Teachers of First Year Engineering Students
College of Engineering First Year students complete an evaluation form rating each of their instructors in their GE1000 course. The highest scoring instructors are chosen from Engineering, Physics, Math and Chemistry to receive the award.

Everyday Excellence Award
The Everyday Excellence Award is given to the person who receives the most Kudos.

Heart of the Team Award
The Heart of the Team Award is given to the person who gives the most Kudos.