Related News for Yun Raymond Fu

2024 Stanford University Annual Assessment of Author Citations

The following COE professors are among the top scientists worldwide selected by Stanford University representing the top 2% of the most-cited scientists with single-year impact in various disciplines. The selection is based on the top 100,000 by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above. The list below includes those who published a paper in 2024 or later.

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Patent Awarded for Lightweight Pose Estimation Network

ECE Distinguished/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu was awarded a patent for “Light-weight pose estimation network with multi-scale heatmap fusion.”

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Fu Elected AAAI Fellow

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu was elected a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence for significant contributions to transformative technology innovation in computer vision, augmented human-machine interaction, and leadership in AI technology commercialization.

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Patent for Improved Detection of Facial Landmarks

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu was awarded a patent for “System and method for generating image landmarks.”

Three Faculty Selected as AIMBE Fellows

Bouvé/ChE University Distinguished Professor Mansoor Amiji, ChE/BioE Associate Professor Eno Ebong, and ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu were selected as Class of 2024 Fellows for the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering.

Northeastern Among Top 100 Universities for Utility Patents

Northeastern University, recognized for its excellence in innovation and entrepreneurship, has once again been named one of the top 100 universities worldwide for securing utility patents by the National Academy of Inventors.

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Fu Receives IEEE 2024 Edward J. McCluskey Technical Achievement Award

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu is the recipient of the 2024 Edward J. McCluskey Technical Achievement Award, a prestigious recognition bestowed by the IEEE Computer Society for innovative and impactful contributions to representation learning, computer vision, face, and gesture recognition.

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Fu Elected as Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu was elected as a member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts in the Technical and Environmental Sciences class. The Academy’s mission is to stimulate cross-disciplinary collaboration between reputable scientists of all disciplines, leading artists, and practitioners of governance.

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Fu Named National Academy of Inventors Fellow

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu was selected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). Election as an Academy Fellow is the highest professional distinction awarded solely to inventors.

2023 Stanford University Annual Assessment of Author Citations

The following COE professors are among the top scientists worldwide selected by Stanford University representing the top 2% of the most-cited scientists with single-year impact in various disciplines. The selection is based on the top 100,000 by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above.

PhD Spotlight: Yu Yin, PhD’23, Computer Engineering

Yu Yin’s, PhD’23, computer engineering, research interests broadly include visual synthesis and understanding, multimodality fusion, and transfer learning. She has more than two dozen peer-reviewed papers. Yin received the NSF I-Corps grant in 2022 and the Northeastern University Dissertation Completion Fellowship in 2023. She also worked at Microsoft and Zillow as a research intern. Yin is now at Case Western Reserve University’s School of Engineering as an assistant professor of computer and data sciences.

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Explainable Anomaly Detection

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu received a $540,000 Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) grant to address video anomaly detection through deep learning and perturbation techniques.

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Patent for Enhancing Face Recognition With Frontal Face Synthesis

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu was awarded a patent for “Frontal face synthesis from low-resolution images.”

Kevin Fu and Yun Raymond Fu

Kevin Fu and Raymond Fu Elected AAAS Fellows

ECE/Khoury Professors Kevin Fu and Yun Raymond Fu were elected as American Association for the Advancement of Science 2022 Fellows in the Information, Computing & Communication section.

Faculty and Staff Awards 2023

Faculty and staff in the College of Engineering were recognized at the annual awards event in a variety of categories for their contributions during the 2022-2023 academic year.

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Patent for Detecting Pose Positions From Multi-Person Images

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu was awarded a patent for “Multi-person pose estimation using skeleton prediction.”

2022 Stanford University Annual Assessment of Author Citations

A group of COE professors are among the top scientists worldwide selected by Stanford University representing the top 2% of the most-cited scientists with single-year impact in various disciplines. The selection is based on the top 100,000 by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above.

Six Engineering Spinouts Selected as Eddies Finalists

Six spinout companies that were created by engineering faculty have been selected as finalists for the Massachusetts Innovation Network’s innovation competition, The Eddies. Every year, the Massachusetts Innovation Network hosts […]

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Fu Elected Member of Academia Europaea

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu was elected to be a Member of Academia Europaea (The Academy of Europe).

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Fu Receives Acorn Innovation Fund Award

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu received an Acorn Innovation Fund Award for his project “Pathfind: AI Driven Remote Motion Tracking by Light-Weight Deep Learning.”

COE Professors Selected in Stanford University List of Top 2% Scientists Worldwide

The following COE professors are among the top scientists worldwide selected by Stanford University representing the top 2 percent of the most-cited scientists with single-year impact in various disciplines. The […]

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ECE Wins NVIDIA CCS Best Student Paper Award

ECE Professor Y. Raymond Fu and his computer engineering students Songyao Jiang, PhD’22, Hongfu Liu, PhD’18, and Yue Wu, PhD’19, received the “NVIDIA CCS Best Student Paper Award” from IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) 2021.

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Funding for New Open-set Domain Adaptation Method

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu received $100K from the Cisco Research University Funding Committee for his project on “Self-debiased Open-set Domain Adaptation.”

Alexandria Will-Cole

PhD Spotlight: Alexandria Will-Cole, PhD’23 – Electrical Engineering

Advised by Nian Sun, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Alexandria Will-Cole, PhD’23, electrical engineering, joined Professor Nian X. Sun’s Advanced Materials and Microsystems Lab in 2019 to pursue a […]

Yulun Zhang

PhD Spotlight: Yulun Zhang, PhD’21 – Computer Engineering

Advised by Yun Raymond Fu, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering After completing an MS in Control Engineering at Tsinghua University, Yulun Zhang, PhD’21, computer engineering, joined the Department of […]

abstract photo of women doctor pointing to tablet with medical imagery around it

Just What the Doctor Ordered

Human beings are some of the most complex systems in the world, and responses to illness, disease, and impairments manifest in countless different ways. When it comes to making sure […]

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Fu Receives Funding Towards Image and Video Analysis

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu received a $50K Adobe Faculty Research Award, a $60K NEC Faculty Research Gift, and a $40K Picsart AI Research (PAIR) Faculty Research Gift that will be used towards his research on image and video processing and analysis.

SMILE Lab Wins 1st at Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu’s SMILE lab won first prize for both the RGB and RGB-D competition tracks of the CVPR21 International Sign Language Challenge.

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Fu Receives Adobe Data Science Research Award

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu received a $50K 2021 Adobe Data Science Research Award for his proposal on “Time-Aware Causal Embedding for Personalized Digital Marketing.”

person with half of face digitized to simulate racial bias software

Taking Stereotypes out of Facial Recognition Software

PhD computer engineering student Zaid Khan, PhD’24, and ECE/Khoury Professor Raymond Fu are working to remove racial bias out of facial recognition programs.

Researchers find that labels in computer vision datasets poorly capture racial diversity

ECE Professor Raymond Fu’s research was featured in the VentureBeat article “Researchers find that labels in computer vision datasets poorly capture racial diversity.”

Robinson Receives His 3rd Outstanding Reviewer Award

Computer Engineering graduate student Joseph Robinson, PhD’20, received the Outstanding Reviewer Award at the 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition.

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Improved Methods for Image Generation Using Adversarial Networks

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu was awarded a patent for “Segmentation guided image generation with adversarial networks”.

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Fu Receives Second Konica Minolta Gift Award

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun “Raymond” Fu’s received the second $100k Gift from Konica Minolta which will support his research on generic video understanding.

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Patent for Analyzing Facial Features for the Cosmetics Industry

ECE/Khoury Professor Yun Raymond Fu was awarded a patent for “System for beauty, cosmetic, and fashion analysis”.

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Yun Raymond Fu Awarded 2020 Faculty Research Award Program at JPMorgan

ECE/Koury Professor Yun Raymond Fu’s research proposal Reinforced Graph-Structured Expert Model for Business Intelligence was recently accepted and awarded into the 2020 Faculty Research Awards Program through JPMorgan Chase AI […]

Recognizing Families in the Wild (RFIW)

Computer Engineering PhD student Joseph Robinson’s research on kinship recognition was featured in “Recognizing Families in the Wild (RFIW)” as the challenge of the month in Computer Vision News.

Recognizing Kin

Computer Engineering PhD student Joseph Robinson’s research on kinship recognition was featured in the Communications of the ACM article “Recognizing Kin”.

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Fu Awarded ARO Grant to Advance Technology for Visual Intelligent Systems

ECE Professor Raymond Fu awarded a $390K grant from the Office of Army Research for “Images Assisted Video Recognition by Heterogeneous Knowledge Transfer.”

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$100k Konica Minolta Gift award for Raymond Fu

ECE Professor Yun “Raymond” Fu’s received $100k Gift from Konica Minolta for his research on generic video understanding.

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ICCV 2019 Workshop RQL Best Paper Award given to Can Qin, Lichen Wang, Yulun Zhang, and Professor Yun “Raymond” Fu

Electrical Engineering PhD students Can Qin, Lichen Wang, Yulun Zhang, and Professor Yun “Raymond” Fu’s paper, “Generatively Inferential Co-Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation,” was awarded the Best Paper Award in the The International Workshop and Challenge on​ Real-World Recognition from Low-Quality Images and Videos (RLQ), in conjunction with International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2019.

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ACM TOMM Nicolas D. Georganas Best Paper Award 2019 awarded to Shuhui Jiang, Yue Wu, and Professor Yun “Raymond” Fu

Electrical PhD students Shuhui Jiang, Yue Wu, and Professor Yun “Raymond” Fu’s paper, “Deep Bi-directional Cross-triplet Embedding for Online Clothing Shopping,” was awarded the ACM TOMM Nicolas D. Georganas Best Paper Award 2019.

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Fu Awarded Patent to Digitally Remove Makeup from an Image

ECE/Koury Professor Yun “Raymond” Fu was awarded a patent for creating a “system for beauty, cosmetic, and fashion analysis.”

Using Deep-Learning for Multi-Functional Meta-Systems

MIE/ECE Associate Professor Yongmin Liu and ECE/Koury Associate Professor Yun “Raymond” Fu were awarded a $530K NSF grant for “Multi-Functional Optical Meta-Systems Enabled by Deep-Learning-Aided Inverse Design”.

FY20 TIER 1 Award Recipients

25 COE faculty and affiliates were recipients of FY20 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants for 18 different projects representing up to $900K dollars of investment in research.

ECE Faculty and Students Receive Funding From CRI

Four faculty members will have projects funded by Northeastern through the Center for Research innovation as part of a new funding initiative administered by the Center for Research Innovation. For […]

Five COE Projects Selected for GapFund360

Congratulations to ECE Associate Professors Kaushik Chowdhury, Raymond Fu, Matteo Rinaldi, ECE Professor Vincent Harris, and BioE Professor Jeff Ruberti whose projects were selected for Phase 1 2018 funding by Northeastern’s GapFund360 program.

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Fu Selected as IEEE Fellow

ECE/CCIS Associate Professor Yun Raymond Fu has been elevated to an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to manifold learning and face and gesture recognition. IEEE Fellow is a distinction reserved […]

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Fu Selected as ACM Distinguished Member

ECE/CCIS Associate Professor Yun Raymond Fu was selected as a distinguished member of the Association for Computing Machinery for his outstanding scientific contributions to computing.

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Associate Professor Fu Given Samsung GRO Award

ECE/CCIS Associate Professor Dr. Yun Raymond Fu won the Samsung 2018 GRO award from the SAMSUNG Global Research Outreach (GRO) Program. He will receive $100,000 to support his research on […]

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Associate Professor Fu Named OSA Fellow

ECE/CCIS Associate Professor Yun Raymond Fu has been named a fellow of The Optical Society (OSA). Fu was recognized “for outstanding and sustained achievements in image & video processing, optical […]

2018 GRI Seed Grant Awardees

Congratulations to the four COE teams out of eight total receiving 2018 Seed Grant funding from the Global Resilience Institute (GRI). The resilience project topics range from coastal flooding prediction […]

ECE PhD Student Awarded at IEEE International Conference

ECE PhD Student Joseph Robinson has been awarded a certificate of appreciation from the IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face Gesture Recognition in Xi'an, China. Robinson was given the Best […]

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Fu Awarded Patent for Extracting Features from Images

ECE/CCIS Associate Professor Yun “Raymond” Fu was awarded a patent for “Apparatus and method for extracting feature of image including object”.

Faculty and Staff Awards 2018

Congratulations to all the winners of the faculty and staff awards, and to everyone for their hard work and dedication during the 2017-2018 academic school year.

ECE PhD Student Wins 2017 Chinese Government Award

PhD Student Allan Ding was awarded a 2017 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad. This award is given to high-achieving, self-financed Chinese students studying internationally. It is granted […]

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Fu Selected as SPIE Fellow

ECE/CCIS Associate Professor Raymond Fu has been selected as a Fellow of SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics.

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Two Awards for SmileLab

The Synergetic Media Learning Lab, or SmileLab, run by Professor Yun Raymond Fu, is the recipient of two recent awards, one from an international competition and another for an IEEE […]

Fu’s AI Startup Acquired by Global Cosmetics Company Shiseido

ECE/CCIS Raymond Fu’s spin-out company Giaran Inc., which specializes in using AI to allow consumers to test cosmetics products virtually, was acquired by the leading global cosmetics company Shiseido Americas Corporation.

PhD Student Receives Funding to Attend and Present at Pittcon 2018 Conference

ECE PhD Student Zhengming Ding has received funding to attend and present at the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Forensic Science Research & Development Poster Session at the Pittcon 2018 […]

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Professor Fu to Receive $250k From the Department of Defense

ECE/CCIS Associate Professor Yun Raymond Fu was awarded $250k in funding from DOD’s Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) to buy powerful GPU Clusters for his research project, “Large-Scale Video Translation by Deep Learning and Knowledge Graph.”

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Professor Fu Given Army Research Office Award for $390K

ECE/CCIS Professor Yun Raymond Fu awarded a three-year $390K from the Army Research Office for his “Images Assisted Video Recognition by Heterogeneous Knowledge Transfer” proposal.

Faculty and Staff Awards 2017

Congratulations to all the winners of the faculty and staff awards, and to everyone for their hard work and dedication during the 2016-2017 academic school year. Faculty Fellow Edward Beighley, […]

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Professor Fu Given Faculty Fellow Award

Congratulations to ECE Professor Yun Raymond Fu for being given a COE Faculty Fellow Award at the 19th Annual Faculty and Staff Awards Ceremony. Professor Fu’s research interests include machine […]

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ECE Professor Fu Named ACM Future of Computing Academy Member

Professor Yun Raymond Fu has been named a member of the Association for Computing Machinery’s Future of Computing Academy. Professor Fu and 45 colleagues were selected from more than 300 […]

2017 COE Faculty Fellows

Congratulations to this year’s class of COE Faculty Fellows: Ed Beighley, Raymond Fu, and Tommaso Melodia.

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Professor Fu Named IAPR Fellow

ECE/CCIS Associate Professor Yun Raymond Fu has been selected as a fellow of the International Association for Pattern Recognition.

ECE PhD Student Awarded Baidu Scholarship

PhD Student Sheng Li has been named one of ten awardees of The Baidu Scholarship. Baidu, a Chinese search engine company, selects PhD students for this scholarship based on research […]

ECE Team Wins First Place at ACM Multimedia International Conference

A Northeastern team was awarded first place at the 2016 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Multimedia Conference MSR Image Recognition Grand Challenge. Along with a certificate and trophy, the award […]

ECE PhD Student Named a Top 20 New Star in Data Mining

Northeastern ECE PhD Student Hongfu Liu has been named in the Top 20 New Stars in Data Mining, provided by Microsoft searching. Microsoft searching mines the past 6 years of […]

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Yun Raymond Fu Wins Multiple Funding Awards

ECE/CCIS Associate Professor Yun Fu receives funding from National Institute of Justice, Samsung, and the NSF.

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ECE Professor Fu and PhD Student Receive Best Paper Award At Conference

Professor Yun Raymond Fu and his student, PhD Candidate Zhengming Ding, have been given a best paper award at the SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) conference […]

Faculty and Staff Awards 2016

2016 Faculty and Staff Awards Congratulations to all the winners of the faculty and staff awards, and to everyone for their hard work and dedication during the 2015-2016 academic school […]

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Fu Awarded NSF I-Corps Grant

ECE Associate Professor Raymond Fu was awarded a $50K NSF I-Corps grant for his "Facial Image Analysis System".

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Professor Fu Awarded 2016 Young Alumni Achievement Award

Professor Yun Raymond Fu has been selected as the recipient of the 2016 Young Alumni Achievement Award by the ECE Alumni Board of Directors at the University of Illinois at […]

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Fu Awarded Grainger Foundation FOE Grant

ECE Associate Professor Raymond Fu and Xue Han from BU were awarded a $30K Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering Grant for Advancement of Interdisciplinary Research.

FY17 TIER 1 Award Recipients

23 COE faculty and affiliates were recipients of FY17 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants for 12 different projects representing over $600K dollars of investment in research.

ECE PhD Student Wins Award From China

ECE PhD Student Sheng Li has been named a winner of the Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad by the Chinese Government.

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Professor Yun Raymond Fu Named Global Young Academy Member

ECE Professor Yun Raymond Fu has been named a member of the Global Young Academy.

I.Q. Project Highlight: Lower Limb Orthotic Brace

ECE Associate Professor Yun Raymond Fu is researching a new approach to address the management of knee osteoarthritis, an important public health issue due to the high costs of treatment […]

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Fu Receives IEEE CIS Outstanding Early Career Award

ECE & CCIS Associate Professor Y. Raymond Fu is the awardee of the 2016 IEEE CIS Outstanding Early Career Award, for contributions to neural computing, manifold learning, and visual intelligence.

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ECE Professor Raymond Fu Receives 1 Year $132k Samsung Grant

ECE Associate Professor Raymund Fu was recently awarded a new, $132k grant from Samsung. The grant will support his research on face recognition.


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Fu Selected to Attend US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium

ECE Assistant Professor Yun Raymond Fu has been invited to represent Northeastern at the National Academy of Engineering’s 2015 US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.

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ECE Professor Raymond Fu Receives 3 Year $450K Navy Grant

ECE Assistant Professor Yun Raymond Fu has received a new Navy grant for his research topic, "Pinpoint Geolocation using Multi-Source Multi-Dimensional Big Data from Social Media."

ECE Accepted High School Senior Open House Attracts Over 300 Students

Northeastern hosted an Open House for high-school seniors who have been accepted into our program. Between the two dates, over 300 visited the department and toured the labs.  


Northeastern Engineering announces 8 Young Investigator Awards in 2013-2014

These faculty recognitions bring the total young investigator awards in the college to 39, including 25 NSF CAREER and 10 DOD Young Investigator awards.

Fu Receives DURIP Award

ECE & CCIS Assistant Professor Y. Raymond Fu received a highly competitive $240K DOD Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) Research Equipment award for major equipment for his SMILE lab.

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3rd Young Investigator Award

ECE & CCIS Assistant Professor Y. Raymond Fu was awarded his 3rd Young Investigator Award this year by the Naval Research Office for “Intention Sensing through Video-based Imminent Activity Prediction”. Dr. […]

SDM14 Best Paper Award

Computer Engineering PhD student Sheng Li and ECE & CCIS Assistant Professor Y. Raymond Fu were awarded the Best Paper Award at the prestigious SIAM International Conference on Data Mining […]

Face value

Face­book is home to nearly 3 bil­lion photos. Every minute, YouTube grows by another 100 hours of video. And, according to IHS Research, some 30 mil­lion sur­veil­lance cam­eras pepper our public spaces, […]

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Fu Receives INNS Young Investigator Award

Electrical and Computer Engineering and College of Computer and Information Science Assistant Professor Y. Raymond Fu received the 2014 International Neural Network Society’s Young Investigator Award for his contributions in the field of […]

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Fu Awarded $160K Grant

Assistant Professor Y. Raymond Fu, a faculty member associated with the Department of Electrical and Chemical Engineering (ECE) and the College of Computer and Information Science (CCIS), received a $160K grant from Samsung to […]

FY14 TIER 1 Award Recipients

22 COE faculty and affiliates were recipients of FY14 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants for 14 different research projects.

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Fu Awarded $1M NSF Grant

Electrical and Computer Engineering and CCIS Assistant Professor Raymond Fu won a $1M NSF grant to develop an at-home knee osteoarthritis rehabilitation therapy utilizing automated data analysis. The NSF funds research […]

Data mining in the social-​​media ecosystem

Ray­mond Fu, a newly appointed assis­tant pro­fessor of elec­trical and com­puter engi­neering, wants to build a better social-​​media ecosystem, one in which Face­book makes expert friend rec­om­men­da­tions and consumer-​​product suggestions. […]